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15 people found this review helpful
10.3 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
Smash some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ metal.

UNDERDOGS is a riot. No, really, the game feels like being in a riot with mechs. Wicked fast gameplay and chunky, weighty physics stuffs you, a gorilla, Pacific Rim, and Real Steel in a blender and you've gotta punch your way out.

The customization of your mech between runs offers a great variety in playstyles. Use ranged attacks, grab and smash, or skip the frilly gimmicks, equip two blocks on concrete on your hands, and get swinging.

Stylistically, the game has a very clear art direction that is utilized perfectly. CyberLondonpunk isn't a genre I thought I was interested in. UK grime thumps in your skull while you punch a robohound out of the air mid-leap and slam through a horde of metal roaches. As far as style, it doesn't get much stronger than this.

The game's length is perhaps the only deterrent for some. If you're good, it could only take you a couple of hours to beat it. If you're like me, and luckily terrible, it could take much, much longer. I would argue that the differences between mech builds offers more than enough replayability. That being said, if you're looking for an experience to drop a couple hundred hours in, move on or wait for a sale.

UNDERDOGS is nearly Blade and Sorcery levels of fun. This gets thrown around a lot, but seriously, games like this are what VR was made for. I'm adding this to my personal list of "games to immediately buy when you get a VR headset."

Enough talk.

Smash some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ metal.
Posted 7 February, 2024.
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4.3 hrs on record
How quaint.

Tavern Master is just that. Quaint. It's not particularly difficult, and doesn't present any groundbreaking ideas, but it's splendid for a rainy day. The asking price of $15 is a bit steep for the experience offered, but any sale that brings it lower would be well worth the couple of afternoons completion takes.

There's no better feeling than watching a system of your design work flawlessly, and this game captures that well. It's very rewarding seeing your staff flow together in a space you built one wall, table, and decoration at a time. Watching a mug go from the bartender, the serving waitress, the customer, the cleaning waitress, and back to the bar reminds me of watching a car go about their business in Cities: Skylines.

Give it a try, it's a nice time.
Posted 26 November, 2023.
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4.8 hrs on record
This game is goofy. If your interest is sports simulation, keep walking. If you're a fan of arcade sports games like Blitz or NBA Jam, this could be just your fix for baseball.
Posted 26 November, 2023.
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3.0 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
Endoparasitic is a game that plays the way Evil Dead watches. The first half hour or so is spent retreating and frantically dancing around any creepy crawly you encounter.

However, as your proficiency with the ridiculously fun movement system grows along with your armory, you'll feel like Ash Williams meets cowboy meets space as you're zipping along the floor, counting those blessed few revolver rounds you have left. You're flicking around a black mess of growling tentacles and hair, you dash behind a column, grabbing the revolver, emptying the spent cartridges, and speed loading the few you have left as you can hear the shambling and moaning of encroaching danger.

You fumble a cartridge. You just barely miss the slot and have to try again, now just a couple feet from a perfectly menacingly designed mutant looking to finish you off. You slide that last round in, hear the click and lock of the hammer as you drop your menu, and those pops that come with a left click sound like salvation.

Give this game a try.
Posted 26 October, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
498.1 hrs on record (216.3 hrs at review time)
playing mordhau is like crack:

that's all, it's just like crack
Posted 2 May, 2020.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries