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3.5 hodin celkem
this pc port is ass, i ran into several crashes, or instances where i'd get to a loading screen and the game just gave up

the writing is bad too, david cage is probably one of the pretentious writers i've ever seen, he writes women worse than frank miller (if you're curious, look up the fourth character for detroit: become human that sony rejected, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is it funny), the characters are laughably stock, if you've ever seen a crime thriller, you've seen this movie (there is one nice twist, i'll give the game credit there). heavy rain definitely isn't david's worse game, that honor probably goes to beyond: two souls or indigo prophecy

there is a pretty good pacing and buildup here towards the climax in the story, but it's simply not enough to save it from just how ♥♥♥♥♥♥ it is

if you just care about gameplay, it's a lot of quicktime events with the occasional walking around segments you'd find in those old point n click games, along with dialogue options during conversations. the cool thing about quantic dream games is they do have branching paths with multiple endings, so there is some diversity in how the story goes, where the outcome of each playthrough can be very different.

so that's nice
Odesláno 29. listopadu 2021.
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90.9 hodin celkem (61.1 hodin v době psaní recenze)
our expectations were high but HOLY FUUUUUUUU
Odesláno 13. února 2021.
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4 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
249.7 hodin celkem (125.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
everyone kept screaming "BUGS BUGS GAME SO BUGGY" but it's problems are far more rooted than that. cyberpunk 2077 is barely an rpg, it's about as much of an rpg as the farcry games, there's no factions you can join, no real sense of choice or branching paths, everything's on a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rail. the driving is weird, the mini map is bad (they might've fixed this, idk), shooting is okay but it's an open world game so it's gonna be 'eh' anyways

the city looks nice, when it's working right, some of the designs look nice, and you do get some moments that emulate the proper themes of cyberpunk. i'm not talking about your badass "welcum 2 night city ur gonna RULE IT" that everyone thinks cyberpunk is about, but the more human side, finding natural beauty in a world consumed and ravaged by consumerism and rampant capitalism. as much as I think this game is a massive failure, i did put 125 hours into it, and for the most part i had fun with it

that being said, i haven't checked on this game since march, so i'm not sure if it's gotten better, but that's kind of the problem. there's not much to do when you finish the main story. night city has ♥♥♥♥ all for activities, there's no card games, or golf, or any creative mini games that you might find in something like grand theft auto or saints row.

anyways please unionize your game workers so that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ like this doesn't get produced over crunched game developers getting their blood over the keys
Odesláno 23. prosince 2020. Naposledy upraveno 19. srpna 2021.
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43.6 hodin celkem (17.2 hodin v době psaní recenze)


Odesláno 10. října 2020. Naposledy upraveno 10. října 2020.
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17.6 hodin celkem (16.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
you'll know this game was worth it once you get to the end of questionable ethics
Odesláno 18. srpna 2020.
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3 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
250.1 hodin celkem (33.3 hodin v době psaní recenze)
There was only one ship.

Inside the Covenant Council Chambers, a gold-armored Elite stands in front of a group of three Prophets-one of whom is present only by hologram.

One? Are you sure?

Yes. They called it...the Pillar of Autumn.

Why was it not destroyed, with the rest of their fleet?

It fled, as we set fire to their planet.

Reach burns under Covenant plasma bombardment; the Pillar of Autumn lifts from orbit and rockets away, attempting to escape the massive Covenant fleet.

But I followed with all the ships in my command.

A Covenant cruiser arrives at Alpha Halo, slowing and joining the relatively small fleet gathered there.

When you first saw Halo, were you blinded by its majesty?


Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?


Yet the humans were able to evade your ships, land on the Sacred Ring, and desecrate it with their filthy footsteps?

Noble Heirarchs...surely you understand that once the parasite attacked...

The Council members begin to shout.

There will be order in this Council!

You were right to focus your attention on the Flood, but this Demon, this 'Master Chief'...

The far side of Alpha Halo explodes as the Pillar of Autumn's fusion drives go critical.

By the time I learned the Demon's intent, there was nothing I could do.

The Council becomes angry again, and we see the Brute Tartarus, chuckling to himself.

PROPHET OF REGRET (whispering):
Prophet of Truth, this has gone on long enough. Make an example of this bungler. The Council demands it.

You are one of our most cherished instruments. Long have you led your fleet with honor and distinction, but your inability to safeguard Halo...was a colossal failure.

A Council member stands up from his seat.

Nay, it was heresy!

The room is filled with angry shouts.

I will continue my campaign against the humans.

No! You will not.

A pair of Brutes move to take the Elite Commander's arms; he stands up straight and makes to push them away. They back off.

Soon the Great Journey shall begin.

The Brutes escort the Elite Commander from the Council Chamber.

But when it does, the weight of your heresy will stay your feet, and you shall be left behind.
Odesláno 18. června 2020.
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475.3 hodin celkem (101.1 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Before you read this, I am going to mention Fallout: New Vegas a lot. It's the game I've put the most hours into, and it's also the last Fallout game before Fallout 4 came out (Unless you count Fallout Shelter I guess.) So with that in mind, this is gonna be a little biased towards that game, but I'm gonna do my best to review Fallout 4 as it's own title, and how it stands throughout the other titles I've played.

So it looks like I've put about eighty hours into this game. I'll be honest, I'm heavily conflicted on this game. On one hand, this game is a huge improvement from Fallout 3. Fallout 4 looks very pretty, there's a lot of improvements in terms of game design, and Bethesda did a good job on setting up a few interesting locations. Gunplay is vastly improved, you can actually aim your weapons, they got rid of that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ where your gun breaks constantly and doesn't do the damage you want it to. In addition, they've also added mod systems that allow the player to add all sorts of neat little addons to the gun. To be fair, this was something in Fallout: New Vegas, but I never really got into it so yeah. Only complaint I really have about the combat is how criticals work. Before, criticals operated mainly on chance regardless if you attacked your enemies in real time or in V.A.T.S., now Bethesda made it so that criticals are a little meter you fill up on the bottom, and use once it's fully charged, and you can only use it in the V.A.T.S. system.

Speaking of previous games, one thing I never really felt like playing around with was power armor. I never really got the hype around it, and I never really got invested in it. However, Fallout 4's take on power armor is by far my favorite. You can find pieces from different sets, put them together, add paints, and modifications to make them even stronger. It's fun as hell when you put on your personal set of armor, go on the Prydwyn, and just be able to jump off without a care in the world, embracing the shockwave that comes once you land.

Remember how Fallout 3 took like six years to actually get the game started, and you had to follow this very linear story about your ♥♥♥♥♥♥ dad that no one cared about? Well here, it's kind of the same thing, except you're finding your dumbass kid who's been kidnapped from the engineers from Westworld. When Obsidian Entertainment made Fallout: New Vegas, they did a really good job with the Courier character because you're just a mailman who gets shot in the head, who you are and what you did beforehand is never mentioned. The developers really wanted to make a system where there were at least three different ways to solve a conversation.

Fallout 4 is also a game that supports mods on consoles! Finally, the peasants can enjoy a slice of pie from the PC community that we all know and love-- Oh, it's only Xbox One now. If you have a PS4, you're probably stuck with Creative Club.

Now for the negative stuff. Just to clarify, I had a lot of fun with this game, and it kept me entertained during the hours I played it. However, Fallout 4 is a ♥♥♥♥ Fallout RPG. There's a lot of improvements made from Fallout 3, for instance I think the story is better than 'ur dad go save water machien and you just kinda watch and shoot thing also brotherhood and enclave fight pew pew three dog ooooooowww amirite buy our nuka cola merch plz', but not nearly as immersive or interesting as Fallout: New Vegas' plot with the fate of the Vegas Strip, and the complicated dilemmas you as a character are thrown into.

Conversations suck ass. Like good ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ god, they really ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up this one. Fallout 3's system had it so that you'd have your neat little box with dialogue options, and there might be a Speech skill check with a percentage, or maybe your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. skills come into place to learn something. Fallout New Vegas had it improved by adding Speech checks for certain skill traits, like Medicine, Barter, or Science just to name a few. They also made it so that there was no more percentage, you either had the skill points in a category, or you didn't. And if you didn't, you'd get a joke conversation that'd fail anyway but it was funny as hell to use. Fallout 4 has it's own new footprint, a voice acted protagonist, which is really great! On paper of course. Remember how I said Obsidian made a system where you had three different ways to solve a conversation? This time, you get three different ways to say yes, or maybe like a "i wont do this but i'll come back later" option, and that's it. Fallout 4 system also makes it so that conversations aren't based on a speech skill, but rather just Charisma. So at the start of the game, you could just put max out your charisma, and then never lose a conversation. To make matters even worse (but hilarious anyways), they made conversations even easier. Before in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, whenever you talked to people, the game was considered "paused" since there were menus n ♥♥♥♥, and the in-game world was frozen with the exception of the person you were talking to. But here, conversations are in real time so you can just get to a hard speech check, quicksave, and if you don't pass it, just reload the save until you keep going since it's back on a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dice roll like in Fallout 3.

And then . . . There's Creative Club. Which to be honest I've never even bothered using since all the cool mods are free anyways, so I'll just go over it. If you wanna listen to people ♥♥♥♥♥ about how it's gonna kill the mod community, just find a video on youtube or some ♥♥♥♥.

Storywise, like a lot of other things, is a big improvement from Fallout 3. From what I understand, there's only one real faction that comes back from the last two games, and it's the Brotherhood of Steel. As I mentioned, the whole key objective is to find your dumbass son, and along the way you get put into different complicated conflicts that determine the fate of the Commonwealth. My biggest issue with Fallout 3 is how black and white the story is. You have to ally with the Brotherhood of Steel in order to progress the story, and you have to fight the Enclave no matter what you do. I'm not sure if it's much of an improvement though, because Bethesda turned the Brotherhood of Steal into a bunch of fascists as opposed to an isolationist organization dedicated to preserving old technology so that history doesn't repeat itself. But it's okay, you can blow up their big ass airship anyway. The main antagnoist however, is an organization called the Institute that makes a bunch of cool robots that look like they don't belong in Fallout. It's probably my least favorite part, since if you talk to them about why they're doing the ♥♥♥♥ they do, the leader's like "lol it's too complicated for you to understand". Plus if you decide to fight the Institute, the director is in his deathbed at ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ age sixty and you can just nuke his lame ass lmao

Anyways this review is getting pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ long. So I'd give Fallout 4 a 7 out of ten Todd Howard death threats. If you want a fun open world RPG, give it a shot. But if you want something as good as New Vegas, I'm afraid you're out of luck.

tl;dr game is fun to play and you can get lost in the amount of cool stuff to do but it's a lame fallout
Odesláno 23. července 2018.
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13.3 hodin celkem (12.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I was fairly surprised on the backlash some of this game recieved. I loved Wolfenstein The New Order but I didn't think the story was as amazing as some people were saying it was. My favorite things about the previous title were simple, it contained an assortment of classic first-person shooter elements such as duel-wielding weapons, and the cutscenes were presented in a creative and interesting way. Needless to say, I was very excited to try this game out.

First things first, the bugs. I played The New Order on a PS4, so I don't really have much I can add to my experience here, but my god I ran into a lot of issues running the game. Some were as simple as the game crashing at completely random moments, but more frustrating ones where I used the duel-wielding feature, and used secondary fire would also crash the game (For a video card, I'm using a Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 Windforce OC 3GB GDDR5 Graphics Card, along with 16GB of DDR4 Memory).

The graphics in this game are pretty good. Lots and lots of detail in the levels, especially when approached as Roswell which I think looks rather nice. Gameplay itself is fine, it's just like the last game except with a few more weapons added in. Usually the goal in each level is to do an assortment of objectives while shooting a bunch of future Nazis.

Let's talk about the narrative here. This is a direct sequel to Wolfenstein: The New Order, taking place a around a year after the events of the first game in this rebooted series. While New Order mainly took place in Europe, New Colossus' locations are mainly in North America. I don't like the main prologue, in fact I kinda despise it. You know how in your favorite movie or TV show, or hell, maybe even your favorite game they'll kill off a character and you'll feel angry and sad at the enemy for doing it. Well, I guess to be shocking, a main character is killed off from the first game, but the way it's done is so uninteresting and all it does is waste my time. The funny thing is that I actually liked the character from the first game quite a bit, and you could tell them and B.J. had been through a lot together.

The additions to this game's cast is okay. Sirgun Engel felt like she could've been a more interesting character but just didn't work for me. Grace Walker was a nice addition but I think it would've been cool if you saw her Resistance group do a bit more in the game.

The enemy variety is okay, but I found New Order's to be superior which I didn't even think was possible.
The rest of the story is decent, but like I said, I didn't like the first one that much either. The boss battles in this game were for the most part tedious and kinda lacking. New Order had these awesome moments where it felt like the game was going "Hey, see this big robot lookin' thing? Well, it's a boss, and we're not gonna tell you how to kill it at all." in a industry where boss battles felt very bland at the time in first person shooters. There's no London Monitor here, or ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up robot where your friend's brain is stuck in it's body and is forced to kill you. Instead you get variants of a bunch of Nazi cyborgs and let me just say, those two at the end can go ♥♥♥♥ themselves with the checkpoint system.

So overall, this game is still pretty fun, but I recommend checking The New Order, since it's probably a lot more cheaper at this point and isn't as frustrating.

Odesláno 1. dubna 2018.
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5.2 hodin celkem
lmao what the ♥♥♥♥
Odesláno 19. února 2018.
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2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
71.6 hodin celkem (36.8 hodin v době psaní recenze)
+You can import your save from Mass Effect 1 so all your choices from the previous title will come up in this one, along with your Shepard
+Martin Sheen as the Illusive Man
+Garrus' reveal is BADASS and I'm pretty sure I shouted at my screen
+Hugging Tali during the loyalty mission almost made me cry
+Combat is waaaaaaaaaay better and more fluent than in ME1
+More space ladies and dudes to romance with
+Suicide Mission is one of the most tense levels in a video game you will ever play

-Collectors are kinda 'eh' villains (except for ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL)
-Transition from ME1 controls to ME2 controls is confusing as ♥♥♥♥ and took time to get used to.
-Half the DLC doesn't work for some godly reason, thanks EA
-Ending is pretty cliffhangery
Odesláno 16. ledna 2018.
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