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4 people found this review helpful
23.4 hrs on record (9.4 hrs at review time)
The negative reviews for this game baffle me. Darkest Dungeon 2 is a good game, great even, but it is very different from the first game. I personally like the new direction of this game more than the original, but I can understand that many people disagree. But no matter which one you prefer, the fact is that DD2 is a good game on it's own, and people are leaving negative reviews because they like it less than DD1. The price is a bit steep, so maybe wait for a sale if you're on the fence, but if you enjoy rougelites and you enjoyed the original you will most likely enjoy this game.
Posted 10 May, 2023.
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221.1 hrs on record (151.2 hrs at review time)
This is an incredible game, which is even better with mods and/or friends. Buy it and enjoy it before Gearbox ruin it.
Posted 23 November, 2022.
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1,140.1 hrs on record (867.0 hrs at review time)
actual ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Posted 27 April, 2022.
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223.6 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
I initially left a negative review and refunded this game because I couldn't get my controller to work with the game. As of patch 1.02.3 that issue has been fixed, so I bought the game again. My experience so far has been almost entirely positive. The game itself truly is fantastic, and with updated drivers and a few tweaks (Forcing VSync to prevent screen tearing) the game has been running very smoothly for the most part.

HOWEVER, I am running on a pretty beefy PC, and there are still people experiencing performance issues. If you have a lower spec PC I would recommend waiting for a while until some more patches/ 3rd party fixes are out.

I will give a hesitant positive rating for now. I think the state of the game should be better, and there are still some annoying bugs and issues, but not enough to detract from the experience. If you can get Elden Ring running smoothly it is easily a 9/10 game which truly lives up to the From Software legacy.
Posted 24 February, 2022. Last edited 9 March, 2022.
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1,575.6 hrs on record (843.4 hrs at review time)
I've been playing this series since vanilla Destiny 1, including the beta of D2. This is a franchise I've always had a love/hate relationship with. A series with great gameplay, graphics and soundtrack, and incredible potential, but always riddled with issues. I've always wanted this game to be great, and I believe it could get there now.

I decided to make a review now, 2 weeks into the Beyond Light expansion. This expansion is not just a content drop, it is essentially Destiny 2.5. The game engine has been reworked, lighting and graphics have been improved, and a lot of redundant content has been removed. That said, it has also caused a lot of bugs and connection issues, and some of the content removed feels like it is gone too soon. But I see all of that as a necessary sacrifice in order to lay the foundations that will allow the game to grow. By culling older content, Bungie could start the process of remaking the game the way they want, free from the shackles of Activision, and as such, I have great hope for the future of the game.

A bit on the state of the game at the time of writing this:
There is a noticeable void left behind by the content that was removed, especially on the side of guns. A lot of combinations of archetypes and damage types simply don't exist anymore. PvP is a bit of a mess, but after playing it for a while I'm starting to think it's not as bad as I initially thought. On the side of PvE, there are currently no dungeons (essentially mini raids) worth running. There are some neat additions like empire hunts, exo challenges and master lost sectors, which are all quite fun, but not particularly challenging. This means that high-end PvE is mostly just raids and master/grandmaster nightfall strikes. Nightfalls are the same as always, 3 player activity with everything hitting like trucks and having a ton of health, they are fine, but not my cup of tea. In terms of raids, there are currently 3. Last Wish and Garden of Salvation are still good, although they feel a lot more buggy and inconsistent after Beyond Light. The new raid, Deep Stone Crypt is fantastic. I have absolutely loved running it, and it's probably my favorite raid of all time in terms of visuals and sound design.

Overall Destiny 2 is in a bit of a weird spot right now. It's in the middle of being completely redesigned, and is going through some growing pains. That said, I would still very much recommend the game. To me this is still the best looter-shooter game there is, with fantastic gunplay, graphics and sound design, and a great community. I would recommend it to anyone who likes a bit of a grind, and most people who enjoy shooters. If you're a bit on the edge, there is no harm in waiting for a while, as the game will continue to improve going forwards. 8/10

PS: Exo Stranger is best girl :)
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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13.8 hrs on record
13 hours in and I'm loving the game so far. It's incredibly weeb, but that hasn't bothered me. My biggest complaint is that whatever NPC you party up with can't go 5 meters without saying something incredibly obvious and/or stupid, but if you can ignore that it's a super fun game with 0 technical difficulties (All settings at max on a RTX 2080)
Posted 28 September, 2019.
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9.8 hrs on record (9.5 hrs at review time)
This was my game of the year for 2018, it's a game which I can't do justice with words. The only issue this game has is that it is somewhat difficult, which unfortunately means some people will miss out on one of the best experiences in gaming. Unless you absolutely hate platformers this is a must play game, and even then I would recommend you give it a try. 11/10
Posted 25 September, 2019.
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3,696.4 hrs on record (1,097.7 hrs at review time)
it's alright
Posted 3 July, 2019. Last edited 7 August, 2021.
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865.8 hrs on record (157.7 hrs at review time)
So Monster Hunter: World finally came to PC, and after 150 hours I think it deserves a review.

-Great graphics, and stable 60+ FPS for the most part on a 970
-A lot of content to play through, with more to come in the coming months
-Smooth gameplay with surprisingly good mouse/keyboard support
-Good variety in the weapon and armor choices, with the gameplay changing completely based on your build
-When multiplayer works it is an incredibly smooth experience, being able to play with people from other continents with no noticeable lag
-An absolutely stunning atmosphere, with great music, beatiful environments, adorable cutscenes and great characters
-Palicoes are surprisingly well done, they never get in the way, are incredibly useful in combat, and are very likeable without the game forcing you to care for them

-Random disconnects from online sessions and multiplayer games, causing you to sometimes be alone vs a monster scaled for 4 players
-Framerate drops when there are a lot of particles on the screen like the insect glaive clouds or the Rotten Vale effluvia
-Grinding for materials can get very tedious, especially when you have to go back to low rank missions
-Playing co-op in the main story is unnecessarily difficult, since everyone has to watch cutscenes solo
-Some minor annoyances that may or may not be a problem, like having to sharpen weapons, getting knocked around by other players, stuns/knockdowns by monsters lasting really long and constantly having to remove investigations with no easy way of doing so

Overall, the biggest issue right now is the connectivity, which CAPCOM is working on fixing. In my eyes, however, these issues are not big enough for me to not recommend it. MH:W is an incredibly fun game, one of the best I have played in a long time, and if you really don't want to deal with online issues, you can very easily solo the entire game. If you only want the game to play with friends, then maybe wait until the connection issues are solved, but otherwise this is a gem of a game which I highly recommend.
Posted 21 August, 2018.
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1.9 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
Gorogoa is an absolutely stunning little puzzle game. The price tag is a bit steep for the length, but if you enjoy puzzle games, it is more than worth it. One of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I have had in a long time.
Posted 19 February, 2018.
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