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76.9 hrs on record (8.9 hrs at review time)
Sparking Zero feels like a nostalgic return to the early 2000s, capturing the spirit of gaming from that era. It transports players back to the days of battling friends on the Wii/Ps2, with gameplay that feels both familiar and enhanced. The combat system and overall feel of the game are a delightful throwback, yet even more polished than before. The controls are highly responsive, and the roster of characters along with their unique interactions, adds depth and charm to the experience. Additionally, the sheer variety of content, including custom battles and endless playtime, offers something for everyone. Players can dive into challenging scenarios that require hours of focus to master or enjoy simpler, more humorous situations, similar to the creative freedom seen in games like Mario Maker.

However, the game isn’t without its drawbacks. One notable issue is the character roster UI, which feels cumbersome compared to older versions. A refreshed or reimagined design would be a welcome improvement, as navigating it can be frustrating. Similarly, while the main menu is well-designed and captures the spirit of the game, it lacks some functionality. The absence of a quick navigation shortcut becomes noticeable, especially when switching screens too quickly, which can cause occasional lag.

Despite these minor issues, Sparking Zero has incredible potential and room for growth. With a few tweaks, it could become even more refined. For now, it stands as an impressive entry in the dragonball game legacy, earning a solid 9/10 for its nostalgic charm, responsive gameplay, and expansive content.

Posted 13 October, 2024.
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19.0 hrs on record (17.5 hrs at review time)
Not Kiryu the Sidestory Game, with amazing gameplay
Posted 23 November, 2023.
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34.0 hrs on record
If you Like Yakuza and Ace Attorney this is the game for you, yes it might be a bit more liniar in comparison to modern detective games but its one hell of a ride i suggest youd take whenever you can !
Posted 23 November, 2022.
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4,095.2 hrs on record (1,886.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's a free game that, once it has a hold on you, won't let you go. Eventually, you might end up buying a VR Headset, and if you're desperate enough, even Fullbody Trackers.

I suggest you carefully consider before diving into this game if you tend to get addicted to games.

The addictive nature doesn't come from your willingness to play but rather from the fact that all your friends are present or you're part of a group, convincing you to spend hours in the game.

However, this is where I have to acknowledge the game's positives – you can make almost anything happen. While you might accidentally break and reverse engenier things in it's SDK, if you can envision it, you can create it.

It's a fantastic Social Sandbox that allows you to embody anything you desire, whether that's a Clone Trooper, Goku from Dragonball, or even a different persona like a Sexy Woman. (There are more options.)

Your dreams can become reality within this game.

One caveat: People tend to steal your creations. So, if you dislike the idea of others taking and using your designs and models without permission or selling them, it's wise not to upload anything or keep your special models to private instances.

VRChat's security has numerous loopholes exploited by individuals who spend excessive time within the game, sometimes making life difficult for creators and regular players.

so be careful around public Instances and enjoy the ride !
Posted 15 March, 2022. Last edited 2 November, 2023.
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202.4 hrs on record (47.4 hrs at review time)
Is good game, but you need people to play it, if you do it with the Squad its Fun for hours on end,
Posted 9 May, 2021.
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5,789.2 hrs on record (2,467.4 hrs at review time)
Garry's Mod, eines der woll besten und umfangreichsten Spiele ,dank der großen Gmod Modcommunity, das es gibt. Es verbergen sich in diesem Sandboxspiel unendliche Spiele möglichkeiten für jeden. Vom Roleplay bis hin zum Shooterfreund.
Jeder der nicht unbedingt eine Grafikbombe von spiel benötigt ist hier richtig ! Dennoch muss man sagen da Garry's mod von einer einzelnen personen mit der HL2 Engine gebaut wurde kann es des öfteren auf größeren RP-Servern beim Spieleranzahlen von bis zu 200 Stücks zu Framdrops kommen.

EDIT ://:

Nun nach einiger vergangener Zeit und dank meinen 3,375 Spielstunden muss ich meinem Beitrag zu voherrigen Rewiev. Garry's Mod ist noch immer eines der Umfragreichten Spiele mit netten Communitys die Steam zu bitten hat. Der Preis ist auch gerechtfertigt. Wer sich hierbei ein Grakifwunder erwartet hat viele Tweeks und Mods zu instalieren aber dennoch ist alles in Gmod möglich und hat jede menge neuer Programierer und Creator zur welt gebracht welche. Alles in Allem eine Gute geniale Spieleerfahrung welche tausende Stunden von Unterhaltung bietet
Posted 5 November, 2017. Last edited 24 November, 2017.
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