hi :)
Rời mạng


//Movement Keys
bind "a" "+left"
bind "d" "+right"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "ctrl" "+duck"
bind "shift" "+sprint"
bind "space" "+jump"
bind "mwheelup" "+jump"
bind "MOUSE_X" "yaw"
bind "MOUSE_Y" "pitch"

bind f1 "say !cp"
bind f2 "say !ak"
bind f3 "say !tp"
bind f4 "say !m4"
bind f5 "say !r"

bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "7" "slot4"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "mouse2" "+attack2"
bind "b" "buymenu"
bind "e" "+use"
bind "f" "+lookatweapon"
bind "q" "drop"
bind "n" "noclip"
bind "y" "+spray_menu"
bind "mwheeldown" "player_ping"
bind "MOUSE5" "+voicerecord"
bind "j" "sv_rethrow_last_grenade;say .rethrow"
bind "k" "toggle cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party 0 1"
bind "o" "toggle cl_mute_enemy_team 0 1"
bind "i" "toggle volume 0.05 1"
bind "r" "+reload"
bind "alt" "toggle cl_radar_scale 1 0.3"
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "." "teammenu"
bind "t" "messagemode"
bind "u" "messagemode2"
bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "DEL" "mute"
bind "PAUSE" "pause"

bind "8" "cl_crosshairalpha 255; cl_crosshairstyle 4;cl_crosshaircolor 5;cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 1; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairthickness .9; cl_crosshairgap -3.5; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairsize .9;cl_crosshaircolor_b 255; cl_crosshaircolor_g 255; cl_crosshaircolor_r 255"

bind "9" "cl_crosshairalpha 255; cl_crosshairstyle 4;cl_crosshaircolor 5;cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 0; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairthickness 1; cl_crosshairgap -4; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairsize .8;cl_crosshaircolor_b 255; cl_crosshaircolor_g 255; cl_crosshaircolor_r 255"

bind "0" "cl_crosshairalpha 255; cl_crosshairstyle 4;cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 0; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairthickness 1; cl_crosshairgap -4; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairsize 1;cl_crosshaircolor_b 255; cl_crosshaircolor_g 255; cl_crosshaircolor_r 255"

bind "p" "toggle cl_crosshaircolor 1 4 5"

alias "ds" "disconnect"
alias "q" "quit"

//Grenade Binds
bind "4" "slot10"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "c" "slot6"
bind "MOUSE4" "slot7"
bind "v" "slot8"
bind "m" "slot10"

bind "LEFTARROW" "demo_gototick -320 relative"
bind "DOWNARROW" "+ffw20"
alias "+ffw20" "demo_timescale 20"
alias "-ffw20" "demo_timescale 1"
bind "UPARROW" "+ffw50"
alias "+ffw50" "demo_timescale 50"
alias "-ffw50" "demo_timescale 1"
bind "RSHIFT" "demo_togglepause"
bind "RCTRL" "demoui"
bind "RALT" "toggle spec_show_xray"

sensitivity 0.42
zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1
r_fullscreen_gamma 3
rate 1000000
safezonex 0.9
safezoney 0.8
viewmodel_fov 50
hud_scaling 1.1
cl_allow_animated_avatars 0
cl_teamid_overhead_fade_near_crosshair 0.8
cl_hud_radar_scale 1.3
cl_hud_radar_background_alpha .1
cl_use_opens_buy_menu 0
cl_hud_color 12
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard 0
cl_crosshair_sniper_width 3
cl_player_ping_mute 0
cl_sniper_auto_rezoom 1
cl_teammate_colors_show 1
cl_use_opens_buy_menu 0
cl_showloadout 1
cl_teamcounter_playercount_instead_of_avatars 1
engine_low_latency_sleep_after_client_tick 1
r_show_build_info 0
fps_max 999
fps_max_ui 75
viewmodel_presetpos 2
hud_showtargetid 0
cl_obs_interp_enable 0
con_enable 1
cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue 0
cl_crosshair_recoil false
cl_debounce_zoom 0
r_drawtracers_firstperson 0

ui_mainmenu_bkgnd_movie_9CA40421 de_train
ui_vanitysetting_team ct
ui_vanitysetting_loadoutslot_ct rifle1

//Sound Settings
snd_mixahead "0.05"
snd_deathcamera_volume "0.0"
snd_mapobjective_volume "0"
snd_menumusic_volume "0.0"
snd_mute_losefocus false
snd_mvp_volume "0.05"
snd_mute_mvp_music_live_players true
snd_tensecondwarning_volume "0.01"
snd_roundstart_volume "0.00"
snd_roundend_volume "0.0"
voice_loopback 1

echo "--------------------"
echo "---CONFIG LOADED----"
echo "-- HAVE --- FUN ----"
echo "-------- :) --------"
echo "--------------------"
Hoạt động gần đây
2,4 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 16 Thg02
2.972 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 16 Thg02
42 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 16 Thg02
✪ ʷ ʰ ᵃ ᵗ ᵎ 25 Thg01 @ 7:52am 
Blazz 3 Thg08, 2024 @ 9:31am 
+rep good german player, good comms and mental
shayn 17 Thg05, 2024 @ 9:47am 
Signed by shayn :fprose:
skyye 17 Thg05, 2024 @ 9:47am 
signed by skyye :csgo_crown:
HUSKYTA 17 Thg05, 2024 @ 8:29am 
kennyS 9 Thg05, 2022 @ 7:26am 
Signed by kennyS =)