24/7 Uptime || Instant Trade
Welcome! Just add me as friend and I will contact you automatically. Trading TF2 18:1 and CS 19:1
[FAQ - Leveling] . :Dreamkey: :GreenArrow: :10_level::20_level::30_level::40_level::50_level::60_level::70_level::80_level::90_level::100_level:
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Information // Commands

!owner - Provides my owners profile, please add him if you have any problems!
!keys - shows the keys that the bot will accept
!rate - ones the current prices of the bot
!level [your dream level] - Automatically calculates how many sets and how many items it will require to get to your desired level
!check - one how many sets the bot has available and how much you can craft


!buy [amount of CS:GO keys] - use to buy that amount of CS:GO keys for sets you dont have
!buyhydra [amount of hydra keys] - use to buy the amount of hydra key for sets you dont have
!buytf2 [amount of Tf keys] - use to buy that amount of tf keys for sets you dont have
!buygems !buygems [amount of sets] - use to buy that amount of sets for gems

Buy (for badge collectors):

!csgobuyone [amount of CS:GO keys] - use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate
!hydrabuyone [amount of hydra keys] - use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate
!tfbuyone [amount of TF2 keys] - use this if you are a badge collector. BOT will send only one set of each game, following the current BOT rate
!gemsbuyone [amount of sets] - use this if you are a badge collector. sames as !csgobuyone , buy you pay with gems!

Special buy:

!csgobuyany [amount of CS:GO keys] - use to buy that amount of CS:GO keys for any sets, following the current BOT rate
!hydrabuyany [amount of hydra keys] - use to buy that amount of hydra keys for any sets, following the current BOT rate
!tfbuyany [amount of TF2 keys] - use to buy that amount of TF2 keys for any sets, following the current BOT rate
!gemsbuyany [amount of sets] - use to buy that amount of any sets for gems, following the current BOT rate


!sell [amount of CS:GO keys] - use to sell your sets for CS:GO Key(s)
!sellhydra [amount of hydra keys] - use to sell your sets for hydra Key(s)
!sellgems [amount of sets] - use to sell your sets for Gems
!selltf [amount of TF2 keys] - use to sell your sets for TF2 Key(s)
!sellcheck [amount of CS:GO keys] - use to check information about sets you can sell
Ostatnia aktywność
0,1 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 7 lipca 2019
3,8 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 30 czerwca 2019
0 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 29 czerwca 2019