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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,232.7 hrs on record (735.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 6 Jul, 2023 @ 10:15pm

Good game to play if your looking for a more competitive Battle Royal experience, the graphics are pretty good, the gameplay is hit and miss, movement definitely needs some work, but the gunplay is what steals the show, theirs a bit of learning curve, most weapons have a fair bit of recoil to control which takes time to learn but overall its pretty fun to play when you have some mates to kill the time with, I'd say nowadays if your just starting your gonna have a hard time killing players as for most players now are OGs that have played for years and know the mechanics extremely well and are just really bloody good at the game, apart from that its a hell of a lot of fun and thats all that matters, you could say compared to other BR's now its kinda outdated but it is still great to come back and play a few games every now and then.
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