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0.1 hrs on record
bland, boring
Posted 21 July, 2024.
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19.9 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
P2W game where all good loot is locked behind season pass. I don't usually care about this stuff but this is so blatant, I just can't recommend the game.
Posted 10 February, 2024.
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2,062.2 hrs on record (1,371.3 hrs at review time)
Played a bit and it was alright
Posted 6 January, 2024.
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53.4 hrs on record (51.6 hrs at review time)
The problem with Starfield is it makes absolutely no attempt to innovate; it's just Fallout 4 in space.
But what about the space travel? Surely that counts as innovation!
Not really no, space travel is done through a menu; instead of the fast travel we are used to, you now have the star map which you... fast travel with. Using this will trigger a loading screen, and put you in orbit of the planet you want to land on, you can then open the star map again and press a button to land on the planet, which will... trigger another loading screen. Amazing.

NPCs are just as shallow as those from Skyrim, quests are just as poorly written as Skyrim; there is 1 quest that begins with you getting arrested in space, put in jail and have all contraband / stolen items seized. You are then taken into a room to be offered a top secret mission to work for one of the factions as an undercover agent. Please explain to me why you would be trusted with this information let alone offered the actual mission if you are a criminal. I won't say all quest lines are this stupid but many of them are; including the main story. One of the first things to happen in the main story is a random guy you have never met gives you his ship to carry an artefact to his people. He just trusts you for no reason and it's not like he's letting you watch his cart at walmart while he goes for a piss, it's his ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ space ship and the artefact he has dedicated his adult life to finding and paid a fortune for. He doesn't even try to find another way, he just immediately chooses to do this.

Remember how Fallout had the big bad Deathclaws? well devs felt this needed to be such an obvious copy paste that they included the Deathclaw in this game and just renamed it: 'Terrormorph'. I'm no lore expert but even the lore surrounding Terrormorphs seems to be a copy paste: were they created in a lab?!!!? WHO KNOWS? How intriguing!

What about combat? Surely combat has changed, we must have some really cool weapons in the future!
No, you still have normal pistols doing more damage than high tech laser weapons and those 2 types are the whole list. More importantly, there are 0 actually unique items which means at around level 20 you have seen every weapon the game has to offer (most of these just being laser / ballistic versions of each other). You can find the same pistol with a custom name though! how exciting! In Skyrim we had actually unique gear like Daedric artefacts, quest line rewards etc.. This game has 0 uniques; complete a major faction quest line? Here is 250k, go buy another ship or something I guess. Where are the black hole grenades, portal guns, weapons that can fire through walls, etc.. If a gun wasn't in Fallout 4, it won't be in this game. Enjoy!

Gameplay is also unchanged, we have dragon shouts, oops sorry I meant 'Powers'. Instead of completing a dungeon and unlocking the shout, you need to follow your compass and collect some shiny dust. Big Fun! now do that 24 times. I haven't tried all powers yet but those I have tried are useless; nothing as fun as fus ro dah... oh wait... that's in this game too! although they felt the need to nerf it so hard I feel I could push someone harder with my weak nerd hands.

The new jet pack must be cool!
No the new jetpack sucks, it's just a double jump. Why could we not get an actual jetpack? Why could there not be different types of backpack items like a Dune style shield, an actual flying jetpack, a short distance blink / teleport, a stealth bubble etc.. Instead we are given 4 different types of double jump that vary in height. 0 creativity; what a waste of what could have been such an easy way to innovate on gameplay. BuT iF YoU USe ThE BaLaNCed PaCK YoU Can FlY ReALlY FaR! Yes I know, and if you use console commands you can turn it into an actual jetpack. My point is the current back items are just 4 of the same with slightly different stats and this is boring and not creative and I was able to come up with 4 better ideas in 1 second and it drives me crazy that the devs at Bethesda thought this was good.

You say there is no innovation but they crafted a whole new world; this is disingenuous!
You mean procedurally generated planets? I have done the exact same dungeon with the exact same loot on multiple planets maybe 5 times now. The dungeon is filled with ice and I found it on a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ desert planet.
There are like 4 actual hand crafted settlements, the first one is bland and empty with generic high tech architecture and the classic underground slum; the second is cowboys, copy pasted from fallout, I will say Neon is cool and I don't remember the others. My point is this new world of theirs is small (these settlements may be light years apart but that doesn't mean there is content between them).

Performance... I have an rtx 4090 and in some areas I don't maintain 40fps. If I had ray tracing on and the game had better graphical fidelity I could forgive this but where is frame generation support and DLSS? This is a AAA release in 2023, come on. Bethesda's not even reaching the bare minimum here in my opinion. I would say I'm disappointed but for Bethesda this is somehow better than I'm used to. Tragic really.

I could keep going but I think you get the idea.
The game is still fun if you can turn your brain off and roleplay as a Bethesda dev with the luke warm IQ of a shellfish.
I came into this expecting a copy paste but this is just lazy. I really wanted to like this game, I think the final straw was when I realised the game didn't even have ammo crafting (I was around level 50 at this point and had been disappointed too many times, for some reason this wast just too much).
I wonder whether the devs at Bethesda really are this incompetent or it's just laziness from management wanting to put a game out and let modders finish it for them. Either way, Elder Scrolls 6 is not looking good.
Posted 9 September, 2023.
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18.9 hrs on record (17.9 hrs at review time)
I finished the game on medium difficulty, collected all weapons, all except 2 are max level, and I have all collectables (took around 18h).
It's great to see this franchise on steam; I really hope we get either a port of all the predecessors or a remaster (sounds like free money for insomniac to me).

Performance: No input lag, I repeat: 0 input lag. I played on M&K and it felt snappy and responsive at all times. It also ran butter smooth @ 100fps+ on an RTX 4090 and i9 9900ks@5ghz (native 4k with all settings maxed out including ray tracing).

Crashes: I got these mostly when messing with settings in game or glitching to get out of bounds, and when I did get crashes they were in bursts of maybe 2 to 5 (first crash then crashes again when I load into the game). Once the crashes were over the game became completely stable again until I mess around with settings or glitched out of bounds again. These were a little disappointing but so infrequent that I wouldn't worry about it; just get all your settings sorted out when you first launch the game and you should be fine.

Compatibility: The game relies on functionality present on the dualshock controller such as partially pressing down a trigger to achieve one outcome and fully pressing for another outcome (for example, slow mo on full press). This functionality does not work on keyboard and mouse; I feel it would have been easy to just give us 2 keybindings to reflect the 2 levels of pressure. For me this is the biggest disappointment with the port but is not a big deal.

I highly recommend this game, it's a great port of an amazing game. Beyond that, any success with this makes it more likely we will get other PS exclusives on steam. This could be the beginning of something awesome.
Posted 28 July, 2023.
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315.5 hrs on record (34.2 hrs at review time)
dark souls 4 with open world
Posted 28 February, 2022.
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373.9 hrs on record (149.0 hrs at review time)
Its great, a 40k version would be even better.
Posted 7 July, 2020.
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5.1 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Balancing is completely ♥♥♥♥♥♥, one fight I nearly one shot every mob and the next I can't land a single hit.
Posted 17 May, 2020.
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300.4 hrs on record (248.6 hrs at review time)
Pretty good
Posted 12 December, 2019.
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17.0 hrs on record (16.8 hrs at review time)
very good, cba writing a review just buy it, I liked it
Posted 8 December, 2019.
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