Hunter Allen Price
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Noid 26 Jan @ 4:18pm 
Downright Cynical 25 Jan @ 1:12pm 
Misunderstands art. For example in "Poor Things" this user critiques the Duncan Wedderburn character as a simple dogmatic metaphor. What this user fails to understand is that Duncan is a very deep representation of the British rake class in the company of Terry Thomas like figures as seen perfectly in the complex masterful dialogue of the character. Duncan, a carefully designed controlling sexually dominating misogynist dolt symbolizes the decay of conservative white washing into what it really is. Sadness. Depravity. It is drawing careful parallels between its reductive time to the mind tumor esquee world we live in today. Ben Shapiro, Andrew Tate, et al. Stay away from this user if you care about the world.
Noid 24 Okt 2024 @ 9:21pm 
Hai Domo~
J 17 Des 2021 @ 7:55pm 
J 16 Des 2021 @ 3:44pm 
trashcan, ♥♥♥ game
Downright Cynical 13 Jul 2021 @ 11:50pm 
BeTa MaLe ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ DuDe WhY ArEnT yOu ALPHA?????????