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Diposting: 28 Des 2022 @ 8:10am
Diperbarui: 23 Des 2023 @ 5:48am

Ulasan Akses Dini
So an update from last. the o key has been fixed so can now be rebound however the / is still hardcoded and been put onto the replay function which is a nuisance as im a lefty and use that side of the keyboard so lose a key to something useless and also if you accidently hit it during movement your whole screen is overtaken by the replay junk.
the bots have mostly been fixed though the game is still a little clunky in places mainly the keybind issues that are the major issue rn

original review from Dec 22 below:

honestly it has a lot of potential unfortunately a few of the keys are either hardcoded so cannot be rebound for instance the o and / key cannot be used as their function breaks and the bots are both brilliant and retarded at the same time. with a bit of polish the game will be amazing at the moment its a bit too clunky to justify the asking price
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