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Recent reviews by Festive Cat

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2 people found this review helpful
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0.1 hrs on record
this game literally sucked up ram on my computer, all the way up to 10gb and climbing before i killed the process
it never loaded
i saw not-a-one breast
1/10 - ok icon i guess ?
Posted 11 November, 2022.
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0.1 hrs on record
u can't really d oanything but i guess looking at the products is cool

but not enoujgh of them to distract me for longer than 20 minutes b efore i start wondering where i am, or what the time loop is that is trapping everyone in the same animation forever

probably should just go watch an omegamart video instead/10
Posted 21 October, 2022.
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1,854.9 hrs on record (781.2 hrs at review time)
jrpg dressup game with good story and sometimes you do dungeons with friends or somethin idk
Posted 17 October, 2021.
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0.2 hrs on record
i got all the achievements in like 12 minutes and it looks like a meet n' ♥♥♥♥ game with clothing customization, so, pretty good me thinks ? they even put in the foot ?
Posted 18 December, 2020. Last edited 18 December, 2020.
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152.5 hrs on record (120.4 hrs at review time)
Starbound's the kinda game you sit down and play with buds, then after a hundred hours of playing and modding it, you get bored of, then play again. It's a unique experience, and definitely worth the like twenty bucks I spent on it. If you like Terraria for the adventure aspect, this game's definitely up your alley.
Posted 2 July, 2019.
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8 people found this review helpful
602.4 hrs on record (223.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
To make it easy on the common viewer, this game is very frustrating a lot of the time and relies a lot on RNG, but rewards smart and creative ideas, and has easy to pick up on mechanics and charming visuals. There's a bit of wiggle room for error, but mistakes can start adding up over time, leaving you with a few raiders miraculously digging into your dwarven fortress -- which may or may not be crawling with infuriatingly hard to kill bugs -- then stealing your silver, and kidnapping your only doctor. Of course, it can be averted if your colonists could ACTUALLY BUILD your defenses, but hey.

Aside from that, the game is a lot of fun. The game involves scrapping together a colony from basic materials, then eventually surviving long enough to either escape the planet, or make a village to comfortably house your colonists. There's a myriad of options for what you can do or where you can go, whether you're a beachside colony, or one on a sheet of ice, you can make it work.

As for the technical bits, everything works pretty well. The controls are easy enough to use, the HUD conveys enough without being cluttered, and gives enough leeway to avoid frustrating the player. The soundtrack is really easy to listen to, letting you pause time and build your colony calmly.

But, I haven't mentioned the cons. Oh boy, does the game have cons. The game can be incredibly annoying with how it throws its challenges at you. The mood system can cause serious complications, where your colonists will get into random fights because they don't like their rooms, then proceed to violently kill eachother. Raids can end up becoming overwhelming, where you either don't have enough in terms of defense, or you get horribly unlucky and end up with alien robots murdering your whole colony. Manhunter packs can catch you with your pants down, and now you're stuck inside for a few days. Fire in a raid when you built your colony out of wood? Everything's gone.

Not an amazing game by any stretch, but it's terribly addicting, and will probably suck a lot of your time from your life. The price is a bit steep, but there's a pretty good chance you'll get your money's worth.

Edit: I forgot to mention the modding and workshop support, but since it's aside from the game itself, I'll make it brief. The mods can assist with a lot of the issues mentioned, giving quality of life changes or actual additions like new weapons, new utilities, or can do so much as overhaul combat. However, if you don't enjoy the base game as a concept, mods probably won't suddenly change your mind.
Posted 4 November, 2017. Last edited 10 November, 2017.
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86.3 hrs on record (83.1 hrs at review time)
wew laddie, take two sure is good at bringing in new players, and lengthening the game's longevity with the allowance of mods

or is it?????
Posted 19 June, 2017.
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2.0 hrs on record
Posted 12 July, 2015.
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48.9 hrs on record (48.3 hrs at review time)
Quite a game. The controls aren't bad, the concept is very nice, and gameplay is hilariously fun. However, there are drawbacks, as there are still bugs, and the story is pretty horendous. But who cares? It's a great experience for any who seek a punishingly hard time while also having a blast! Co-op is recommended, for sure.
Posted 1 May, 2014.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries