Fwom the moment I undewstood the weakness of my fwesh, it disgusted me. I cwaved the stwength and cewtainty of steew. I aspiwed to the puwity of the Bwessed Machine.

Youw kind cwing to youw fwesh, as if it wiww not decay and faiw you. One day the cwude biomass that you caww a tempwe wiww withew, and you wiww beg my kind to save you. But I am awweady saved, fow the Machine is immowtaw…

...even in death I sewve the Omnissiah.
Laarhe♥ 2022年12月8日 12時51分 
Vengalos 2022年10月19日 13時39分 
+rep Pretty darn good pyro. Was fun.
Comfy_(stonerdoomsludge enjoyer) 2022年9月3日 15時26分 
w netherlands gaymer
monkeymanbobo 2020年4月7日 9時03分 
 / ̄ ̄\|
< ´・    |\
 | 3  | 丶\ - Hang in there!
< 、・  |  \
 \__/∪ _ ∪)
      U U
monkeymanbobo 2020年2月16日 14時24分 
😱me to xd
HauntedPizzaNightmare 2019年10月14日 11時42分 