Timp de joc în ultimele 2 săptămâni:

Vezi statistici globale pentru realizări
Trebuie să fii conectat pentru a compara aceste statistici cu cele proprii
0 din 18 (0%) realizări obținute:
Realizări personale

Just try to relax...

Panic at work

Quiet Quitting

Ignore every passenger

Easy, Kitty!

Annoy the cat

Animal Lover

Pet the cat 10 times

Techno Ape

Break the CCTV

A Job Well Done

Pick up and drop off everyone perfectly

Nerves Of Steel

Ignore the knock for 5 seconds

Power Saver

Turn off the radio, the wipers and the comms

Fill Er Up

Wait outside the gas station for a few seconds


Never turn around for an entire play through


Never interact with CCTV

Uhhh, is it me or?

Leave a passenger at the ticket machine for a few seconds

Was their jacket too small?

Come to a stop at a bus stop then leave

I can’t see

Turn on the wipers

Who needs him anyway?

Turn off the tutorial

This is NOT the right job for you

Get involved in a road accident

2 realizări ascunse rămase

Detaliile realizărilor vor fi dezvăluite odată cu deblocarea acestora.