gear 26 Nov, 2015 @ 9:10pm 
Enjoy ur Vacation :steamhappy:
Fak3 8 Jul, 2015 @ 11:35am 
iha täys koodari doomis piru vie
tony 6 Jul, 2015 @ 8:46am 
TheKamikaze 3 Jul, 2015 @ 8:33am 
vai että ihan VAC:it B|
ff 2 Jul, 2015 @ 11:23am 
Enjoy Vac
jobedus 30 Jun, 2015 @ 8:06am 
vitun kova le pelaaja.
039 26 Jun, 2015 @ 5:31am 
rusti stefu 26 Jun, 2015 @ 4:41am 
joojoo jäi kii
039 25 Jun, 2015 @ 12:25pm 
-rip kooma
meet 25 Jun, 2015 @ 7:20am 
Valven huijauksenestojärjestelmä (VAC)
Kukaan ei halua pelata huijarin kanssa.
Pelaamisen pitäisi olla kivaa. Parhaan mahdollisen verkkomoninpelikokemuksen turvaamiseksi Valve on kehittänyt edistyneen huijauksenestojärjestelmän, joka tunnistaa automaattisesti huijarit tai hakkerit VAC-suojatulla palvelimella ja määrää heille pysyvän kiellon. Tavallisen pelaajan ei siis tarvitse huolehtia siitä, että ärsyttävät huijarit saisivat epäreilua etua ja häiritsisivät pelejä.
Valven huijauksenesto on käytössä vain secured shield -logolla merkityillä palvelimilla, ja vain Valve voi antaa pelaajalle VAC-kiellon. Palvelinten valvojat voivat kieltää pelaajia pelaamasta tietyillä palvelimilla, mutta he eivät voi antaa pelaajille VAC-kieltoja. VAC-järjestelmä on automaattinen, eikä huijareista tarvitse ilmoittaa Steam-tuelle. Valve tuomitsee kaikenlaisen huijaamisen jyrkästi, eikä se poista VAC-kieltoja missään tilanteissa.
meet 25 Jun, 2015 @ 7:20am 
1 VAC-kielto(a) rekisterissä | Tieto
0 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta KOODARI !
brass 25 Jun, 2015 @ 7:20am 
1 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
0 day(s) since last ban
rusti stefu 23 Jun, 2015 @ 10:50am 
039 23 Jun, 2015 @ 10:37am 
saat satasen jos sanot ton oikee
039 23 Jun, 2015 @ 10:37am 
NAGA 17 May, 2015 @ 7:36am 
The Valve Anti-Cheat System (VAC)
Because nobody likes playing with cheaters.
Playing games should be fun. In order to ensure the best possible online multiplayer experience, Valve developed a state-of-the-art anti-cheat system that automatically detects and permanently bans any player using cheats or hacks on a VAC secured server. What this means to you as a player is that you don't have to worry about annoying cheaters getting an unfair advantage and disrupting your game.
The Valve Anti-Cheat system is only enabled on servers with the secured shield logo and only Valve has the ability to VAC ban a user. While server admins may choose to ban players from playing on their specific servers, they do not have the ability to VAC ban players. The VAC system is automated and contacting Steam Support to report cheaters isn't necessary. Valve has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating and will not lift VAC bans under any circumstances.
meet 2 May, 2015 @ 11:20am 
The Valve Anti-Cheat System (VAC)
Because nobody likes playing with cheaters.
Playing games should be fun. In order to ensure the best possible online multiplayer experience, Valve developed a state-of-the-art anti-cheat system that automatically detects and permanently bans any player using cheats or hacks on a VAC secured server. What this means to you as a player is that you don't have to worry about annoying cheaters getting an unfair advantage and disrupting your game.
The Valve Anti-Cheat system is only enabled on servers with the secured shield logo and only Valve has the ability to VAC ban a user. While server admins may choose to ban players from playing on their specific servers, they do not have the ability to VAC ban players. The VAC system is automated and contacting Steam Support to report cheaters isn't necessary. Valve has a zero-tolerance policy for cheating and will not lift VAC bans under any circumstances.
76561198155640793 11 Mar, 2015 @ 10:33am 
You will exchange this thing?
A$AP 3LACKk 15 Oct, 2014 @ 6:08am 
Hey! Why remove me? accept me I have another offer to you sir!