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Recent reviews by Cheesus Krust

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5 people found this review helpful
24.9 hrs on record
It's almost there, it just misses the mark. It looks beautiful, even polished, but it lacks content, has game breaking bugs and awful glitches.
No Castle scenery, no Western scenery, no Pirate scenery. The controls will drive you mad. You'd think editing terrain nodes or bezier curves is standard by now... Nope, it just wont let you. You'd think if there is a grid, any prop can be aligned to it... Nope. Camera zooming all over the map due to glitches, paths are not working, NPCs getting stuck, NPCs not boarding the rides until you are bankrupt. The career is sort of a long winded tutorial, but it does not actually teach you, just pushes the same tasks on you in different maps. You have a beautiful idea that you want to create? Forget about it, not worth the frustration. I'll come back in a year.
Posted 16 November, 2024.
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0.3 hrs on record
Yea no thanks, mum.
Posted 26 August, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
214.9 hrs on record (171.1 hrs at review time)
Core game mechanics don't work. You can't produce a basic item and use it for the higher tier products, since the transporters are just 1 dimensional. They don't buy required stuff and are unable to pick up items from your own shops. The game delivers the impression of a good game, but it's just a facade. Probably because the lead dev is squatting on the game without making needed major changes. Sad to see
Posted 25 June, 2023.
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545.7 hrs on record (306.7 hrs at review time)
The beginning is great, but then it fizzles out quickly after level 25, as they only reworked the areas for 1-25. And so you are back to the bad quest design. Like walking for some long time to get to some npc standing on a bare rock all by itself, just to send you to where you came from... Or npc A sending you to B, which sends you to C, which sends you to A again and then to B again, all within the same town... Or Quest NPCs being lazily sprinkled throughout the world instead of some place with lore and magic, where they all come together, so you can do multiple quests at a time.
There is a story, i can see it, it's just not there and not done. So it is not immersive for me, sadly. They put in voice acting and lore fragments, but they exist mainly on papers you can find in the world to read. Those give you more XP the higher your level is, but i wont read a wall of text while i'm running around between mobs. Have not yet found a way to read them later on.
The gathering now gives you XP which can be an alternative to questing, but it does not scale with your level, so you have to do those awful quests at some point, or prepare for a very long grind.
Some mechanics need to be reworked like maybe giving the player the option to look at available recipes while not sitting at a crafting bench. Or having a useful interface for all the things you can craft without scrolling over endless lists. Or having your inventory sorted by resource type for better organisation, because you now have storage for each town you visited and things can get messy real quick.
Also the recipes for crafting still require you to go out and find crates in the open world, while all requiring lower tier resources to craft those precious higher tier ones. So you just have to care about more and more different resources spread all over the world, which can be nice, but you need massive amounts of all of them.
And then there are Bugs. Game breaking bugs, like being stuck in a broken interaction, or quest triggers not appearing, so entire quest chains are inaccessible. At the same time, there are no GMs and no maintenance restarts, so those bugs can persist for days and nothing will be done about it.

This feels like an open beta/early access to me. Sadly they even wasted their relaunch card. Probably pressured to latch onto the fresh start trend WoW pulled off. I think this game needs another two to three years.

It has awesome visual design, interesting mechanics, awesome sound design, but the story is not fully implemented, which leaves a bland depressing taste, sadly. I'd really like to love this game
Posted 9 November, 2022.
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8 people found this review helpful
106.0 hrs on record (94.6 hrs at review time)
It is a shame. Visually stunning, some interesting mechanics, but overall just frustrating and not really enjoyable. The second you think you get to do something awesome, the game just screws it up. The game will take all the long range weapons off of you each time it reloads. So you are out and about and need your guns? Too bad, you have to get them from your horse. Sometimes you have to press E, sometimes it's R, sometimes it's F, even had U or H. There is no clear pattern to follow or get used to. Riding after a target? Be careful not leaving the track, your horse might turn or spin around riding off into the completely wrong direction and it completely ignores your input. Also you need to right-click to interact with someone. When you rightclick it centers your focus in that direction, so you will literally run or ride into someone that you just wanted to interact with. Or maybe you still had your guns out, so rightclicking will make you aim at them, instead of interacting with them, which will antagonize them or scare them off, so you can no longer interact with them. It is just so damn frustrating having some piece of gameplay that looks fun and interesting be ripped out of your hands as soon as you attempt it. BTW: Most of what i complain about here are actual design decisions. The result of it is a clunky experience where you don't get to play the game how you want, but how the developers envisioned you to suffer. Brilliant. Waste of money and time.
Posted 2 August, 2022.
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0.9 hrs on record
VR Review:
The only VR feature you will get in this game is looking around in your cockpit.
The game requires you to use a keyboard. You can enable your controllers to be used for certain functions, but there are still operations that require you to push a button on the keyboard, which completely breaks the VR experience. Even though the cockpit is there, the player model is there, the controls inside the cockpit are there, but you can't use them. The player model is holding a control stick in its hand, but you can not use that control stick. Buttons are there, but you can not press them, very frustrating. Instantly requested a refund. Maybe later
Posted 23 April, 2020.
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13.5 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
Gear up
Posted 23 June, 2019.
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5 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
It was the worst. Finally when the main game came to an end and i was already fed up with the entire game, this episode gets tacked onto the story end leaving you to get no closure until you do all this tedious bullcrap for sir hans again. The quests are a bugged pest and i got even more frustrated with this game because it would not let me leave. Do not buy this!
Posted 7 June, 2019. Last edited 7 June, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
221.8 hrs on record (37.5 hrs at review time)
Update 2024:
There has been a major overhaul and many of the bugs are not as painful as they used to be. You still get bugs if you tab out or use your keyboard outside of the game window while the game is paused, like not being able to open your inventory anymore which means trading is impossible in that state. Thankfully you can still save & quit and restart the game where you left off now. The only workaround i found for "tabbing out", was to set the display mode to borderless window, then open my inventory and just move the mouse out of frame to my second display. Another bug that always hangs above my head is a crash that happens when i approach a bed and hit sleep & save. When the clock screen appears, the game freezes for a second and it happened to me that it froze indefinitely, extra frustrating when instead of saving the game it crashes and you have to do it all again ontop.
But those were small bugs so far and it is better then before. So there probably was alot done in preparation for KCD II, which underlines all the things that could have been in KCD I, but only exist as a fancy idea, like crafting other things than just potions. They are still not and will never be in this game in the end, but we will probably see in the new edition of kingdom come called KCD II. I really like the game and i wish them well, but i would recommend for anyone looking into buying this before KCD II to wait, because as far as i understand it, KCD II is going to be a better version of KCD I and not an entirely new game. KCD II.0 or something...

The game is still a buggy mess.
They now "fixed" the game breaking bug of the pestilence quest by putting the main quest on the same NPC so you simply can no longer start the pestilence side quest, which then leads to other folks being mad at you for not helping those people.
Also there are minor hiccups like the mouse pointer being visible in game, sometimes keyboard inputs are not recognized anymore and since the last patch NPCs now always assume there are people sneaking around, while you are not even on private property. Othertimes it wont let you alt+escape out and the most annoying thing, the game will not let you draw you weapon, when you push the button in between lagspikes
Plus i noticed there is the voice actor of Konrad Hagen who can't even speak english but who probably wanted to have his cameo, so i suppose the developers had different thoughts in their head when making this game.
While it was still much more enjoyable than last time, due to a more relaxed save game policy, you can still smell the stench of unfinished business.

This game is frustrating.
Not because of its graphics or the story, but because of all the bugs that do not get fixed.
I wasted so many hours of my life on bugs in this game it just sucks, have not advanced for the last three attempts in trying to play the game. It just sucks. DO NOT BUY THIS!

I actually like the game, but i have now decided to wait a full year until i am going to try to play it again. First of all, you can not simply save. And the game wont save for you either.
Finished a side quest and suddenly you tab out and the screen remains black?
Yea well you can do it ALL again.
Suddenly you are in a quest and push a wrong button, everything goes down the drain, your own people attack you, the quest fails and you can do it ALL again.
You are finally, after some attempts to play this game, on your way through town, suddenly the guards turn on you, want to arrest you for no reason, you do not even get to know why.
They will start to fight you and put you in jail.
This game makes your mistakes stick with you throughout the game. This would be very nice, if the mistakes were not bugs in the game.
In addition to that, the game sometimes lures you into making mistakes by giving you phrases to select and then your character says something completely different that offends the NPCs.
Not cool.

I do like the idea of making mistakes and going on with them, because that is how real life goes, there is no save and reload.
But then the game should save after every decision you make and not only every two to three hours.
Posted 11 June, 2018. Last edited 15 May, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
45.2 hrs on record (29.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The game is way too grindy. You are forced to collect tons of material to maybe achieve a little bit. And then lose it all again to some bad circumstances. Its kinda funny but the intent on getting Minecraft 2 Up is pretty clear, I do not know if this will work out. At the moment i would not recommend the game, and i fear its kind of its businessmodel to keep people playing. Its more like a second job that does not give you any rewards. You try to go on and restart all over, but this game will just steal your time. Because all this super grindy grinding of resources is just boring, at the moment i dont want to play this game anymore. If you have a few people that can look after your stuff, this might work out. But therefor you have to not only find a server where people play reasonably nice AND dont want to ONLY play with their friends. Also there are tons of situations where ♥♥♥♥ can go bad completely. You touch a stego, your raptors autoattack, all die, including you, or a trex or spino spots you, no chance but to die and all the expensive stuff is lost (could be everything you did in the last two days). The thing is, those are mostly bad game mechanics, like you get stuck or dinos clipping through you when mining, and oops you launched an unintended attack on something that will rape you for dinner. So id say, wait for a more stable game.
Posted 21 June, 2015. Last edited 22 June, 2015.
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