David Armstrong   Manitoba, Canada
Valve be like:steamthumbsup:
about Vac

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About Vac

it sucks ass
TeeX 10 MAR 2024 a las 11:13 
Přísaháme při všem, co jest nám svato, a v plné shodě se svým svědomím a přesvědčením, že budeme poslušni presidenta a vlády republiky Československé a všech svých velitelů, presidentem a vládou ustanovených; přísaháme, že budeme bez odmluvy plniti její nařízení vždy a všude, i v nebezpečí, bez váhání a odporu, že svých vojsk neopustíme, ale i životy své ochotně dáme na ochranu vlasti a za její svobodu; přísaháme, že budeme druh druha milovati, k sobě věrně státi, v nebezpečí se neopouštěti, ale až do konce se brániti tak, jak nám káže mužná čest a vědomí povinností občanských.

Tak přísaháme!"
TeeX 22 DIC 2020 a las 14:58 
I like rust
TeeX 21 OCT 2020 a las 17:33 
My grandpa has cancer but no1 sees this So idc who knows im 14 i Always hoped that He would be proud for me that He would see me have a job be at my sister wedding im a pesimist i dont really see a big Chance in him staying alive but i Hope So much that He will i dont really like emotions because my father sees me as week when i express them im trying to be also in denial because Its too much for me to lose him He Always learned me stuff that my dad didnt Bc He came 9pm from work And just watch tv my dad was the strongest person in his town probably very popular too but Now hes a loser i dont really care but why can't He be that loser for me.
TeeX 21 OCT 2020 a las 17:32 
We sometimes Hangout but Its about money. Our time spent together Is 90% working in the house i liked that bcs i didnt really cared for him He just hated me but i realized that death Is just around the corner i want to spend time with him i can't make the first step i was Extreamly good at csgo until Rust happened total social life Killer ♥♥♥♥ that game So anyway i came bag from rust i was ♥♥♥♥ at csgo year later i got slapped with a vac ban And i have been getting bans on any new acc even 5 days old acc that i played 4 games on something Fishy Is happing but you know valve they dont give a ♥♥♥♥ they ♥♥♥♥ you right in the ass.
TeeX 29 MAY 2020 a las 11:00 
♥♥♥♥ valve please
give them a nice anal
I can't see you 11 MAY 2020 a las 6:05 
Wtf why do you have VAC on Cs??