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Recent reviews by Brother Wing

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58.7 hrs on record (9.0 hrs at review time)
If you're new to the series and don't want to deal with roms or legacy hardware but still want to play all the mainline battle network games then this will be your jam.

If you're a veteran consider if online netbattling and trading (not crossplatform mind you) interests you.
Posted 20 April, 2023.
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125.7 hrs on record (84.5 hrs at review time)
edit 10-30-2023:
After a ton of updates and QoL features it's now as it should have been at launch and we've switched to recommended, fun game to hammer around with friends and reasonably good fun with pugs, do mind that the game (grind) doesn't start till you have at least 1 character at level cap so if that's not your cup of tea consider passing the game.
Posted 7 January, 2023. Last edited 30 October, 2023.
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46.3 hrs on record (32.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
fun game with friends, wee bit tedious at first glance but after a course in electrical engineering yer off to the races
Posted 18 February, 2022.
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71.8 hrs on record (71.2 hrs at review time)
the pro's
- good gameplay
- true to the lore
- fun ork stompy action

the con's
- wonky controls at times
- can get stuck on small ledges due to most marines not being able to traverse non flat surfaces.
- no option to punch Erebus in the face multiple times per playthrough.
Posted 22 January, 2021.
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37.6 hrs on record (11.0 hrs at review time)
If you've played an SD Gundam game before then you'll like this one. Despite only having 4 mainline series the roster is filled to the brim with side story machines, stages and characters more then making up for missing things like X, G Gundam or Turn A (which at the time of writing has been announced as DLC later down the line).

If you're new to SDGGGen games then the best comparison is fire emblem with gundams.
There is perma death on suits (not pilots) and the game can be a bit daunting at first with it's menu's and options but if you give it a few moments you''ll quickly make yourself feel acquainted with the menu's and all the systems.

You form a party of OG and existing MS/characters from the series and start any series campaign or a specific mission, hit the difficulty, read or skip the story and then you select where units deploy upon which the map starts.

At the end of the map you're rewarded with currency a short summary of your top characters is shown and then you're back at the main menu to either continue the story or to fiddle with your party or send them off on missions and what not.

All in all G Gen Cross Rays rewards the player for investing time and effort by giving them better MS and overall making it a (to me) enjoyable experience.
Posted 30 November, 2019.
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83.6 hrs on record (56.6 hrs at review time)
Originally a founder/early backer I didn't really start playing till the game hit Steam.
I didn't care much for the dropped features, it'd be nice if they re-add them later (there seems to be an intererest from the devs on the matter) but the game is playable as is and still supported and being developed on. Thus far I've enjoyed myself exceedingly well with some mates despite the kinks.

That out of the way lets get down to who, what, where.
The good:
- It's warhammer 40,000 and it's a decent game which is not always the case since Relic got devoured by SEGA.
- Plenty of customization (unless you're an Eldar they're still lacking a bit but are slowly getting there)
- Weapons feel like they should, a bolter has a nice umpf, a Loota gun is ramshackled madness, chaos is spikey bits and Eldar are painfull as per GW contacted law since 6th edition.
- Cash items are weaker then items available for free from the supply drops, cosmetics are nice and feel priced about right. (except for those chaos chests of a tenner, I mean wtf).
- Menu's are decent and quite clear on how they work.
- Easy to form a party and drop in as a group.

The bad:
- Bugs are in every game but sometimes I have to wonder if my rhino can fly or if that gravtank simply defied gravity because it can.
- Only 4 races, they have to start somewhere but with 4 (arguably 5 with Nids as NPC's) factions there ain't much variation, you have a 66% chance to blow up a form of space marine or otherwise an opposite Xeno as a Xeno. As a marine based faction this problem isn't as prevelant.
- Loyalist Space marines, or rather new players who will likely immediatly drift here, the poster boys ain't overpowered and actually require the player to think and or plan 5 seconds ahead instead of screaming "for the Emprah" and running in like a chicken. Pobably a problem started by the humble bundle deals and or steam sales but still a thing of note.
- Balance is never easy for devs but in 40K: EC it seems to have issues not breaking factions whenever something gets changed.
- If the enemy team has cooperation then you're boned, the game is almost entirely team dependant, if you have lemings and they have humans you might be in for a rough round.

Despite it's flaws it's an entertaining game, considering the Devs want to make it a F2P game with the option to buy the full game for extra gubbins it's on my recommended list. Get it when it goes free or on sale, hold of spending the 50€ unless you really feel like you need to burn cash now.

7/10 Would crusade eternally with.
Posted 1 March, 2017.
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44.0 hrs on record (43.5 hrs at review time)
It's a classic and it rocks, add some mods for the scaling and maybe the graphics and you're good to go.
Posted 28 November, 2016.
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14.1 hrs on record (13.4 hrs at review time)
Whilst being a giant 40K nut I'm going to have to warn people about this one.

The game itself is fun if a bit bland (press and hold down the button for pew pew noises). But it is the bugs that break it for me.

for starters under windows 7 64bit it crashes a fairly average amount of 3:4, it does not support 5.1 audio (I had to disable my other speakers and set it back to stereo!) and on more then a few occasions I've bumped into game breaking bugs that make me wonder why they bothered porting it if they couldn't be arsed to test it beyond maybe a single playtrough (if that).

If in the future they'll fix the above (unlikely but who knows), I'll gladly change my review to a more positive one because the game itself without it's myriad of bugs is quite enjoyable.
Posted 22 June, 2014.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries