Brilliant but lazy   Vinnytsya, Vinnyts'ka Oblast', Ukraine
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Avid reader, anime aficionado and recreational gamer.
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My favorite quotes
Some nice quotes I've found in my lifetime for you to enjoy:

Witchers are relics of a bygone era. The very thought that only a few of them remain brings sorrow to my heart, for as this caste of itinerant monster slayers passes into oblivion, so does the old world, which might not have been better, but was certainly simpler... Ask, however, if I pitied Geralt and Letho when their blades clashed, I will answer without a moment's hesitation — I did not. The tale of the kingslayers had to conclude with a duel to the death between the two finest swordsmen alive at that time. And only one of them could survive.
-- The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

"If your friends, family or co-workers don’t get anime, it’s not because of chibi or fan service or anything embarrassing like that - - it’s because they’re boring." -- Tom Pinchuk

"Это всё детство, и не всем это понять, у некоторых детство прошло под трансформеров и Пепси. Оно не хуже, оно просто другое." -- defunct post from a random Russian forum user

''Even on the outside of the prisons, there are way too many people in the world, and not enough food, energy or hot girls to go around. But don't worry voters, your future leader has plans for restoring the balance. The problem is that people aren't dying anymore. Back in the way, there were dozens of dangers that always made sure the human flock didn't get too large, be it the Black Death, a pointless war or a good old fashioned dinosaur attack. But now, we're all too safe in our fortified, carnivore-free cities, so drugged that we'd barely even feel a deadly bite from a tyrannosaurus. Humans have gotten to the point where they don't have to fight for survival anymore.

If I was elected leader, I promise to readdress the balance here. Basically, I'd release a bunch of Bengal tigers into the streets, and grant them free reign. That should shave the numbers down a little, and without resorting to man-made holocausts and fascist genocides. A lot of people will die, but they can't complain. It's not the tigers' fault you got killed, they can't help being better than you. Take it up with Mother Nature. It's just natural selection after all, Charles Darwin used to do it all the time.

So by the time I've done all that there'll be enough living space for everyone to build their own theme parks, or stand around holding hands, or whatever it is people do these days. The streets will also be safe enough for old ladies to walk at night, so long as they stay out of the Bengal tiger-infested areas.'' -- Uncyclopedia

"In my experience there are times when owls are not what they seem and at other times they're just plain old owls." -- Superbrothers S&S

"Why live a life without doing what you want? That's just a recipe for a life of misery."
-- Vincent Brooks, Catherine

''I'm making new characters so my sexy ladies can be perfectly customized to my tastes. Then I intend to make them all follow me in only their underwear and fight dragons.' -- Defunct post from a Guild Wars forum

"My only issue is with the costumes some of the characters wear: “Mummy, wouldn’t that character be a bit cold?” “Uhh… yeah. Hypothermia incoming for them! Learn from this and always dress appropriately for a cold climate." -- Defunct post from a Guild Wars forum

"Now we have someone with the self-confidence to wear just undies and a sweater pulled up over their chest. “♥♥♥♥ you, weather” she yelled at the neon green sky as lightning bolts of molten lava rained down upon the frozen landscape." -- Lance McGill

''Sorry I just don't see a woman (physically) overpowering a strong man, well not unless she's wearing a skimpy robe and hurling fireballs...But then that puts us in a fantasy, and I like my fantasy stories to stay that way.'' -- Now defunct internet article

"All of you self-righteous feminazi supporting prudes need to grow the heck up. I'd challenge you to examine the vast amount of commercials that portray men as big dumb idiots, but am I complaining about them? Nah. Want to know why? ‘Cause I'm not a whiney little ♥♥♥♥♥, and I don't think most men or women are either. It's the ones who are that get all the attention however, with their 'documentaries' and Youtube videos whining all about sexism or racism, when the truth is the other 95% of the population just doesn't care about your insecurities, and wish you would shut the hell up and get with the program.

Don't like the way women are portrayed in a video game? Don't play it... just put it out of your mind. I'll bet at least a fraction of the women complaining about this crap walk around with a v-neck exposing their cleavage, or wear tight jeans accentuating their sexy figure.

Why are women portrayed so sexually in video games? Well because you're all so damn sexy, you're welcome!" -- Now defunct internet article

"These days, people don’t know how to lose an argument. The invitation to humility is an endangered species. Which is why things escalate.

In the course of my life, I’ve lost more arguments than I can count. I lost them pitching screenplays, television series, novels. I lost them on more personal levels which won’t be discussed here. The world doesn’t end when you lose an argument. It may suck for a while, but the hide toughens, even as the iron and steel of one’s convictions rust and rot. Some may see that weakening as a bad thing. In terms of ego, it is. But the ego is nobody’s friend. Its main job is to lie to protect, when often what it’s protecting is utterly irrelevant.

If there’s no personal growth after losing an argument, it’s an opportunity missed. Like paying dearly for something that comes assembly-required, which you never get around to putting together." -- Steven Erikson's blog, now defunct

"We live in clown world now. Panty shots in a videogame are hArMfUl and OfFeNsIvE to "muh modern audience", even if they just exist for a few frames, so it has to be cut, because that's sexist, objectifying and appeals to the "male gaze" (and yet OnlyFans women are seen as empowered, brave and strong... that's why it's clown world). Perhaps there's more, but that's what I know that has been censored. I wouldn't be surprised if other small ♥♥♥♥ that doesn't really matter also got censored, since everything's offensive, harmful, sexist, racist, insert other "ists" and "phobes" here in the year 2023." -- user Neo_Phoenix_

"Project Diva officially died with X. Mega39s was created so PC and Switch could show up to the funeral." -- user Shinonomenanorulez