geese fleese
the REAL beebo   Canada
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beeswaxie 15 Feb @ 10:06am 
First of all this is my horse now and i can do what every I want with the horse. Second you cant just tell people what to do or not do, most people will not listen and you need to understand that. Also it's just a game and just a name, if you didn't want people changing the name then you shouldn't have put the horse up for sell. If you wanted me to change the name back you could have message me nicely and no I was not trying to be cool by changing the name. I'm not mad at you at all or trying to be mean and i'm sorry if I made you mad or upset but don't just message me like that Please understand. Thank you.
milkware 26 Dec, 2024 @ 4:21pm 
Aye bro. I love you, like not as a friend. I dont know how to put this and these feelings sorta started around when my dad left me. I need a man in my life. I want that man to be you <3. I get it if your into ♥♥♥♥♥ and all of that but I can please you in ways a women cant. We can have a life together and kids..that we adopt. If you want to be together let me know, if you dont I get it.
milkware 23 Nov, 2024 @ 7:25pm 
Hey, I don't know if you remember me or not. We met last summer.. hopefully that help jog your memory. I just wanted to say the kiss under the bridge was a moment that I can't get out of my head. J.. just the way your lips felt... I was flying through the air, and I can't get that. just adorable smile out of my head. I know you have a family, but I really think that I could be a better role model to little Dylan, and I already know Ryan loves spending time with us when I was there. I know I'm rambling, but I just don't want to lose someone who made me feel like the universe finally gave me my answer on why I am even here. please.. I Love You.
milkware 20 Nov, 2024 @ 10:34am 
just have seen your stream and wanted to say that I thought you were super adorable. you don’t know me at all and i know it’s kinda weird. I just thought maybe it’d be fun to roleplay with you as your online gf maybe? I know you’re straight. I’m a boy that’s why I was saying roleplay.. this isn’t a troll. again, I know it’s really random and weird. I’m sorry. It would just be a fun online relationship - nothing serious and I could donate to you and your stream and support you and just be here
beeswaxie 3 Nov, 2024 @ 4:00pm 
Hello, and thank you for reading this letter.

You see, there is a starving little boy in baklaliviatatlaglooshen
who has no arms, no legs, no parents, and no goats. This little boy's
life could be saved, because for every time you pass this on, a dollar will
be donated to the Little Starving Legless Armless Goatless Boy from the
Baklaliviatatlaglooshen Fund. Remember, we have no way of counting letters
sent and this is all bull. So go on, reach out.
Send this to 5 people in the next 47 seconds.

Oh, and a reminder - if you accidentally send this to 4 or 6 people,
you will die instantly. Thanks again!!
milkware 1 Nov, 2024 @ 10:13pm 
+reppp, nice profile added you for future games :3