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Recent reviews by 脾气大不开心不正常

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7.6 hrs on record
This is a fraud, this game is sold in 200 countries and yet PSN is only available in 69 countries and regions, meaning the rest of the 131 countries don't even have an option to comply with the new policy even if they wish to, locking them out of the game they paid for

Posted 4 May, 2024.
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2,050.6 hrs on record (286.0 hrs at review time)
首先我先这么说,每个版本几乎都改动敌人行为AI 敌人的移动速度,攻击欲望以及各种读指令躲避你的视野,游戏远程敌人是相当于没有弹道的只要你不闪避不滑铲你哪怕把PY塞地里它都能击中你,对他攻击他又直接张牙舞爪的做个样子放低身子你打都打不到,就喜欢暗改,自个开发者直播就为了跟忽悠人似的只是告诉你游戏我们还没放弃,就直播那玩家操作都玩不明白,不嫌丢人,还他妈教你玩家打游戏??有什么实际意义的游戏内容扩展吗?皮肤?大半年就憋出苦修是吧,更新出个毒气敌人还他妈会增强小怪移速伤害抗性,你看看你加的个什么脑残玩意?牛牛加强直接百米冲刺根本躲不开!!!


let me say this first, each version almost changes the enemy behavior AI enemy "move speed", "attack desire" and various "read instructions" to avoid your field of view, the game's long-range enemy fire is no "ballistic trajectory", once locked players as long as you do not "dodge" or "slide shovel" you even "butt" into the ground it can hit you. You can't even hit him if you attack him and he bends down like that.
do you know, that looks like a developer live-streaming it to make it sound like we're not giving up on this game yet.
Live that player operation do not understand, really embarrassing, trying to teach everyone how to play "Warhammer 40K dark tide" in a humiliating form
The actual expansion of the game content is almost no, and the achievement system is full of achievements for most of the half year, and the enemy is updated with a "gas bomber", and "gas" will increase the enemy's "action speed" and "damage resistance".

What do I say about playing with players' crap?" Mutants "are gassed up and run so fast that players basically can't escape!!!

"Fat Shark Studio" does not want to see the player play smoothly, so enemies can be generated in your field of view, as long as you are a little distance away from your party he will happen, I hate this mechanism, it is extremely "counter-intuitive".

"Arrowhead Studios" with "SONY" supervision can not ♥♥♥♥ the player, because "SONY" is their "shareholder" and "publisher", ♥♥♥♥ with the player will be punished.

If that game continue to have this attitude, good luck getting bad reviews soon.
Posted 3 December, 2023. Last edited 29 April, 2024.
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41.2 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
上手容易 好玩归好玩 但你键位总是退出就重置掉离谱的很
Posted 2 July, 2023.
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154.0 hrs on record (109.4 hrs at review time)
还有千奇百怪的MOD(奇怪的♂没有 别想了)
Posted 18 October, 2022.
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317.4 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
Posted 20 May, 2021.
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929.6 hrs on record (109.4 hrs at review time)
1代守点 2代游击 射击手感简直爆炸

Posted 11 January, 2019.
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1,741.3 hrs on record (470.2 hrs at review time)
牺牲风评背刺玩家是吧 ?一个刷子游戏这边砍那边砍,玩家玩的越舒服你们越不舒服是吧?更新的什么玩意?
只要你舒服了后面的DE就会对着你的脸说FXCK YOU
Posted 14 September, 2018. Last edited 23 September, 2022.
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1,997.5 hrs on record (390.4 hrs at review time)
不好玩,以前的苦练在CS2用处不大 全是跑打哥 准星到人身上打不中已经是常态 放弃了
Posted 15 December, 2017. Last edited 21 May, 2024.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries