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0.0 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 83.1 h en tout (4.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 4 mars 2018 à 6h33
Mis à jour : 19 févr. 2020 à 5h51

2020 Review


I've played RPG's for over 20 years, I've been waiting for something next-gen to just, captivate me.. Unfortunately, this isn't it.


As a returning player expecting great things, honestly, as per my 2019 review. This game.. is just.. unpolished, and unplayable.

Sack your QA testers, hire some people who know what a quality product is.

The lag, the crashes, the frame drops, the unplayability, honestly, it's not even worth anymore time investment from me.



Can play a new ARPG with a friend, when it works.


Can trade items with your friends

Visually pretty

Games pretty, but you need a 2080ti to run the game smoothly with medium graphics.


Latency and Frame Drops

Started the game online, first noticeable problem, the latency and frame drops. Holy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ optimization. 15-20 FPS in town? 80 FPS in zone instances?

I'm running a GTX 1070 in 3440x1440, in MEDIUM settings across the board, by no mean's a low-spec graphics card, 15 FPS, what??

Makes for a simply, unplayable experience.


Movement is piss poor and very very clunky to navigate and move around. Does not feel fluid and 90% of the time, feel like i'm not even control of player movement.

Black screen of death

Well ♥♥♥♥ me, I don't even know what to say here.. Moving from scene to scene, takes an extraordinarily long time and I was forced to exit my game client more times than I care to count.

Failed Launch

Look, I can excuse you for this, you guys were unprepared and is a testament to the hype you and your followers created for you. Rest assured though, your game will now die a slow and painful death.

Online Problem solved?

You communicated your best efforts, apparently had solved the co-op grouping problem and allowed us to play with friends, it took approximately 20 odd attempts to join a server with a friend. This is your best efforts?

Bugs bugs bugs

Boss mechanics are/were broken. The A1 (L21) boss would one shot me when he phased and created AOE explosions with 2.7k life as a mage. I had pumped 160 points into life as a damn mage just to get through this?

Alot of the time I would teleport at the point he "leaped" (to dodge game mechanics) and watching him literally teleport to my teleport destination in a second (what appeared as though an unavoidable mechanic)... Like, comeon...

More bugs

A2 first major boss, i got a quest reward (which was a juicy upgrade), had an inventory that was full, got a quest reward, selected my reward, it zoned me out and got the black screen of death and eventually crashed. ♥♥♥♥, you.

And more bugs

My friends running around the game invisible now. Cool bro.


2018 Review


This game has a LONG LONG LONG way to go (Years infact.). Another EA game with next to no content. Story was not engaging (not that I play games for their story). No EA multiplayer means I can't enjoy the limited content with a friend... By the time this game is fully released, ready to go, someone will have already come along and dominated you as competition. Torchlight, Titan Quest, Neverwinter, Sacred, Diablo, Path of Exile, Grim Dawn and ♥♥♥♥, the list goes on, have all done what you have done and better. What do you have over them your competitors? A next-gen engine who still can't get optimization right...

Here's some words of wisdom, don't release an EA game until you can confidently look at your game and say, "this .... is..... amazing".

Negative Gameplay Experiences

Within my first 2 minutes of entering the game... I thought, "Wow, this is pretty".. I found my first tome and my game crashed with an exception error.. Literally forced me to become a mage for the first 5-10 minutes of gameplay. (♥♥♥♥ you, I wanna be an archer)... Took me about 30 minutes to find my first ranged physical weapon. I maxed out all archer/ranged related skill points and nothing really "stood out" as super helpful of beneficial.

My first underground dungeon and 2 minutes into it, the entire map area was blacked out, I couldn't see anything at all, no monsters were visible and inevitably... I died. Came back, and exactly the same thing occurred. Absolutely ridiculous.

I was casually walking around Ravengarde and got caught INSIDE OF A ROCK. INSIDE OF A ROCK, REALLY? I got stuck for 3 minutes, until eventually, it considered me as "dead".

Player movement does not line up with the map. (infact, the both the minimap and map itself, were ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ useless)

The lack of ranger-related skills, made this game incredibly boring af. Spread shot and Rain of arrows... I mean.. really? Fire Rain costs 12,000 gold as opposed to every other tome costing 1000 gold? ♥♥♥♥ kinda logic is that? I say, scrap the "tome" idea.. It's never going to work out well for you..

There is almost no sense of "accomplishment", there are some long and boring ass quests (which can't be skipped)... throughout my progression to level 13, I never once felt like "OoOooO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I'm going to destroy everything" even if it was for a couple of levels. I never felt this ONCE.
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2 commentaires
Bosscunt 19 févr. 2020 à 5h52 
All done @modiel. Left with nothing but sadness.
Modiel 18 juil. 2019 à 22h58 
You should try again now. Since the release of the content patch 1 last month we have the full Act 1 with story (even if it need some polishing and the character customization still has to be implemented). Also the dev said their goal is to release the full game "before the end of 2019" so we are getting closer and closer to a release. Anyway, this would allow you to try the game and update your review so it reflects more the current state of the game :)