
Lay 最近的评测

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总时数 6.8 小时
at first, it thought i might really like this.

but to be honest the writing isn't "great". it's good, and entertaining in most parts.

but then you get in a romance, and they don't even bother to describe the kiss. you just remove one layer of clothes and it skips to the morning basically. doesn't even describe the little that's there

there are other scenes too, lacking in description that you wish there was more of.

basically it's a PG book, and i wanted a book that was actually entertaining where it mattered

still, i do recommend it, i just wish there was a more fleshed out version

essentially when that happened, i saw no reason to do more than one playthrough
发布于 2016 年 4 月 5 日。 最后编辑于 2016 年 4 月 5 日。
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总时数 1,284.3 小时 (评测时 210.9 小时)
I'll make this simple for casual zombie players

starting with the worst
1) still no respect or love for people who don't have 4-8 hours of uninterrupted time. i have kids, when i'm in the middle of a 4 hour easter egg and my 2 year old poops through her deiper all over the couch guess what? no pause button. no breaks, no respect for people who aren't 14 and have no other responsibilities. if your lucky the 3 other players can hold a zombie, but mistakes happen and it's rare your in such a fortunate position.

2) easter egg requires 4 players...please think about this as you read problem 1, and consider the frequent server disconnects, steam downtimes, people who suddenly have to go for emergencies and so on. there is no save feature, you can't save level 17 and just pick up from there

it took me maybe 12 tries to complete the easter egg, doesn't sound like much...until you consider that each attempt was 4+ hours gone

3) nothing very original. some new things here and there, but the gumballs to be honest are shortcomming that make them not as awesome as they would seem. for example "anywhere but here" teleports you safely when you activate it to a random location and stuns anything near you. sounds good on paper, but while activating it you can't use your gun, run, or do anything other than move. top it off with the delay involved for activation you most often end up dead

another example is "stock option" which takes your ammo directly from the ammo reserve instead of the clip. last 3 minutes...problem? it activates as soon as you pick it up, so your holding a zombie to complete a step or do something? well it's wasted time.

the MEGA's, once you try a few out aren't anything to jump for either. their useful, some of them. but nothing worth spending call of duty points on

4) the game really hasn't gotten any better at finding good host. i find that if my ping isn't terribly high then the net jitter is terrible.

5) finding people for specific things such as completing the easter egg is a big hassle. assume you don't get an unskilled player who doesn't know what intructions or teamwork ever were then it can take awhile to get 4 people. it would be easier if you could go into a big chatroom just prior to joining a game and find like minded individuals

6) audio. this bug has been present since world at war, if you lower the master volume the special monsters that die still play at full volume. blasting your ears off if your trying to listen to someone with a quiet microphone

1) supposed mod support coming. reason i bought the game

2) seem to be alot of PC controls

3) split screen works just like console version

in the end my story is this, zombies really has not changed since World at War. Both the good, bad, and the ugly. it's all still there right down to simple things like sound mentioned above. if your thinking about buying this game hoping for an improved experience then don't get this. they haven't fixed one ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing
发布于 2015 年 12 月 18 日。
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总时数 52.3 小时 (评测时 50.0 小时)
if you don't like the original DDE, don't get this. if your hoping for bug fixesa and core changes to improve teh QoL and gameplay, don't get this. if you loved DDE the way it was, you might want to get this, but it's got alot of basic bugs carried over from DDE and some that DDE didn't have.

for example towers do not prioritize any targets on this game, unlike DDE.
发布于 2015 年 3 月 19 日。
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