fricuta # banned
♫ DaBaby - Masterpiece ♫⠀
⠀▐▐ ⠀►▏ ⠀⠀──○─ 🔊 ⠀₁:₂₅ / ₃:₅₀

:steamsalty: Smurf acc

:steamsalty: In-Game Settings:
:steambored: Resolution: 1440 x 900 (75Hz)
:steambored: Aspect Ratio: 16:9
:steambored: DPI: 400
:steambored: Mouse Sensitivity: 4.0
:steambored: HUD Colour: White
:steambored: Crosshair Colour: Red

:steamsalty: Crosshair:
:steambored: cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0
:steambored: cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 1
:steambored: cl_crosshairdot 0
:steambored: cl_crosshairsize 2
:steambored: cl_crosshairthickness 1
:steambored: cl_crosshairgap -3
:steambored: cl_crosshairstyle 4

:steamsalty: Gear:
:steambored: Headset: HyperX Cloud Alpha Gold
:steambored: Microphone: Headset included
:steambored: Mouse: Razer Viper
:steambored: Keyboard: Razer Huntsman
:steambored: Mousepad: Logitech BlackM (450mm x 400mm x 6mm)
:steambored: Primary Screen: Sony TV - 1920 x 1080
:steambored: Secondary Screen: Acer - 1440 x 900

:steamsalty: PC Specs:
:steambored: CPU: Pentium G4560 3.5GHz
:steambored: GPU: GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
:steambored: SSD: Kingston A400 - 240 GB
:steambored: RAM: 8 GB
Currently Offline
fricuta # banned 26 May, 2016 @ 1:53am 
FrutaS 19 May, 2016 @ 1:41pm 
Good player and friend
fricuta # banned 24 Mar, 2016 @ 1:59am 
Thanks man
Artykul~RO 23 Feb, 2016 @ 11:47am 
This profile was signed by ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Good Trader!
Good Friend!
Danut K. Babor @ TUIASI 15 Feb, 2016 @ 7:11am 
..............„-~''-,::::::::::::::::::: ''-„
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...............|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
......,''\':\: :'~„„_: : : : : _,' NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOOOWN
__„-';;;;;\:''-,: : : :'~---~''/| NEVER GONNA RUN AROUND AND DESERT YOU
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