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3 people found this review helpful
154.8 hrs on record (115.0 hrs at review time)
- Spaceship building is really cool
- Outpost building and automation is very nice
- Characters are unique and very professional voice actors
- Skill tree system is great as it requires you to use a skill to level it higher.
- Weapons have been good with several varieties.
- Side quests and random encounters are interesting and funny. Don't miss skip these.
- Graphics are beautiful. Cities and planets are amazing.
- VATS system for space combat is a nice touch.
- Universe is moving in real time and effects day/night cycles. its pretty amazing.

- Need VATS system for ground combat.
- Melee weapons are very limited in variety and I haven't seen any customization for them so far.
- Ship building should have interior customization of furniture, ladders, crew seats, work benches etc.
- Booster pack should be able to be upgrades with proper skills to a jet pack.
- Load screens take about 20 seconds for me but i'm using a HDD.
- Surface map needs more terrain detail or city layout.
- Space travel needs a sub-light speed where we can travel to far away planets without load screens. I would also like to fly closer to the planets surface before seeing the landing cut scene. The experience of breaking through the atmosphere, heat and fire, trying to maintain the right angle for decent, flying thru the clouds and finding a good landing spot. That could be a whole mini game in its self.

I would definitely recommend as I'm enjoying all the side quest so far. The characters are fun. Combat is great. I have not started the main quest line and instead have been exploring and experimenting with outpost/spaceship building. I have only came across one bug with outpost building where it wont let you build but you just save and load that save and its fixed. There is potential for improvements, but i know its good because its been 24 days and I still cant wait to get home to play it each day. 90/100
Posted 24 September, 2023.
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0.6 hrs on record
I mean, didn't you notice on the plane when you started talking, eventually I started reading the vomit bag? Didn't that give you some sort of clue, like, hey, maybe this guy's not enjoying it? You know, everything is not an anecdote. You have to discriminate. You choose things that are funny or mildly amusing or interesting. You're a miracle! Your stories have none of that. They're not even amusing *accidentally*! "Honey, I'd like you to meet Del Griffith, he's got some amusing anecdotes for you. Oh, and here's a gun so you can blow your brains out. You'll thank me for it." I could tolerate any insurance seminar. For days, I could sit there and listen to them go on and on with a big smile on my face. They'd say, "How can you stand it?" I'd say, "'Cause I've been with Del Griffith. I can take anything." You know what they'd say? They'd say, "I know what you mean. The shower curtain ring guy. Whoa." It's like going on a date with a Chatty Cathy doll. I expect you have a little string on your chest, you know, that I pull out and have to snap back. Except I wouldn't pull it out and snap it back, you would. Agh! Agh! Agh! Agh! And by the way, you know, when you're telling these little stories? Here's a good idea: have a point. It makes it so much more interesting for the listener!" - Planes trains and automobiles.

If you love to read and do nothing. This is your game. This is a clicker game with mix drink elements. After so much boring dialog I found myself clicking through the dialog for several minutes. I only helped 4 customers during my playtime the rest was clicking through dialog.
Posted 13 April, 2020.
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4 people found this review helpful
116.1 hrs on record
i like past RPGs in the past like Mass Effect series and the Fallout series.

I think Greedfall is almost perfect in my opinion. It has a good size beautiful world each area in unique. My only complaint is there are a few building(coin guard and faction leader building) that are the almost same layout in 3 different faction cities. Besides that each location and city is very unique.

The sound of the enviroments are spot on and the music is just right. All voice acting of companions are very good. Even random NPC voices are pretty unique.

The companions are all interesting in their own way and I like that I preferred certain characters over other and my son also played and he preferred different companions than I. It really showed how different the personalities are. The same can be said about the factions and their cities.

There is this fantastic camp site where you can buy/sell/equip/craft/talk to companions while the next area is loading. The loading only of an area only takes like 5 seconds. I have never seen another game that had this and I think we will start to see more games with it because it is genius.

The length of the game is almost perfect as well. I did ever side quest and every mission before finishing the main quest lines and I was just feeling like this is it when it was. My only complaint about questing is they need a travel point at each main faction leaders building, at the coin guard and at port.

The faction and companion trust system is fair but I think they could have made it better. The companion romance is a little too short and does not have enough benefits. I was able to get friendly with all companions and factions but it wasn't easy. You should be able to gain faction rep by wearing their gear. Their should also be a repeatable quest that you can do to gain rep. You should also be able to see exactly how many rep points you have and that way you can calculate how many points you need are can afford to lose based on decisions.

The gear was fun and customizable. I do feel that you get a lot of the legendaries too late in the game for them to be effective.

The story is very good considering all that happening right now. I feel it was very good but once you learn who the characters truly are you start to be able to predict what they are going to do.

I highly recommend this game. You will be able to finish it before getting bored and not finishing the game like so many other RPGs.
Posted 11 April, 2020.
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7 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
I got this on sale for $2.00. The sword's elemental damage tears up everything. The rifle can be used before having rifle skill. The hat gives +1 intuition talent. The gloves give +1 crafting talent(Crafting allows you the ability to add +3 more talents). The shirt gives higher loot chance. The talents are huge advantage as you only get 1 talent every 4 levels. This DLC is a must have.
Posted 1 April, 2020.
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5 people found this review helpful
44.0 hrs on record
Amazing game play. Fun story. Open world. Plenty of weapons and upgrades to keep you busy. Reminds me of the Mad Max game. I'm ready for another one.
Posted 27 November, 2019.
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5 people found this review helpful
90.4 hrs on record (73.3 hrs at review time)
Great Game with amazing quality in audio, background, and everything else. Fighting is amazing, even at the beginning when you have almost no abilities. Dying Light will also accept a player for whom they want to be. A person who is a 300% loose cannon, and wants to kill everything? No problem. Person who'd rather stay hidden, and goes to explore the night?
No problem. Person who wants to get full 100% completion in the game? Tedious. But really worth bragging about!

The story is a meh/good type as you cant really influence the ending, in the normal game, however with the DLC The Following you can indeed mold the story at the end.

Overall a good game.
Posted 5 July, 2019.
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40 people found this review helpful
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0.5 hrs on record
Red Faction was truly ground breaking when it first came out. Giving the playing the ability to cause damage to the environment. Cant get through a door? blow a hole in the wall. Don't have firepower to take out that enemy? blow up the bridge its sitting on. Need to get to the lower floor but cant find the stairs. Blow a hole in the floor. It was great single player campaign and awesome PVP. My friends and I used to play for hours on LAN PVP.

Sadly its dated now and wont run on new machines. Please make a remake
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
275.3 hrs on record (135.4 hrs at review time)
Super Good Game, amazing graphics, and gameplay. Only problem is that if you dont know how to react to problems, and you are unable to srataigize, then this game will tear your team apart, limb from limb.
Posted 23 December, 2018.
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17 people found this review helpful
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81.5 hrs on record
The story is good and still interesting enough to follow. The game is very fun, but game play gets very repetitive. I had to take a break from the game for a while before jumping back in and finishing. I enjoyed cuts scenes and how they allowed me to learn who my character was. Adding upgrades to the character and his town was a nice addition too.

To truly appreciate the art and city layout you must visit these cities in real life or in VR. The game designers made the cities almost exactly as they are in real life. The parkour is almost perfect and it was very easy using a keyboard and mouse.

I did not like the ended that much. I felt it went in the wrong direction completely. I still have hope the next one will be better.

Overall I rated it 88/100
Posted 11 March, 2018.
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41 people found this review helpful
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83.8 hrs on record (83.3 hrs at review time)
This game is excellent! I love the exploration into the beautiful unknown and the scary depths. I don’t recall a game that plays quite like this one and hope they plan a sequel. Once I started playing I could not stop which is a good factor when deciding how good a game is. There were a few spots where I was not sure I was doing the right thing, but through exploration I was able to continue to story. The only improvements that I could think of are more base building options; increase the aggressiveness of end game creatures and slightly increase the story guides like they did in the beginning. I also tried in in VR and was not thrilled with the menus so I went back to playing on the desktop.

I rate this game a solid 95/100 Now give that Reaper Leviathan a kiss!
Posted 11 March, 2018.
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