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21.2 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
booted this game up with a friend, and we both picked ryder. took us a solid 2 hours to realize that it wasnt a tutorial section 👍
Posted 5 November, 2024.
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54.7 hrs on record (54.7 hrs at review time)
one of the best RPG leveling mechanics i've ever seen.

something i hate about most games' leveling mechanics is that it's too much for too little; its usually a slog that rewards you with barely anything - maybe giving you some bigger numbers or a new mechanic if you're lucky (*cough* borderlands). dying light tackles these problems and makes the progression feel steady and meaningful.

rather than playing 60+ minutes to get a level up, which rewards you with something like +4% damage with handguns, almost each and every level you unlock in dying light either introduces a fun new toy, or heavily builds upon an existing one.

and as for fixing the whole "leveling feeling like a drag:" here's 3 xp bars; one for agility/parkour, one for combat, and one for quests, each with their own skill tree and methods of earning xp. plus, they're often able to be efficiently leveled at the same time... just by playing the video game. wow.

and a quick side tangent: another thing i dont like about most games with RPG leveling is that you never really feel like youre getting stronger, because the enemies' strength will scale up as the game progresses. dying light also tackles this issue: since the main enemies of the game are quite literally walking decaying corpses, it wouldn't make sense for them to just magically become tankier and do more damage and etc.

and so instead, they introduce new types of enemies that are tougher, while keeping the presence of the weaker enemies. the introductions of stronger enemies keep the game challenging, meanwhile the majority of the enemies you'll find in the world will still be the weaker ones, making you really feel each and every power spike that you get. it's very satisfying.
Posted 11 September, 2024.
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25.0 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
usually when i buy a game solely for nostalgia's sake, the game kinda falls flat on its face. this is game is the opposite
Posted 17 December, 2023.
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30.4 hrs on record (16.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
i cried during the part where they went "it's lethal companying time" and then they made more money from sales than the latest call of duty title. truly one of the most glorious moments of all time.
Posted 26 November, 2023.
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1,406.1 hrs on record (1,299.1 hrs at review time)
This game is a timeless classic with tons of replayability and almost endless content via the steam workshop.

My only complaints really are the hitreg and the people who play versus mode. As for the hitreg, it's fine for the most part, it's just that the hitboxes on common zombies - especially when you aim for the head - is super janky sometimes; a clear center-of-mass headshot will sometimes completely whiff for no discernible reason, or hit when it visibly should have missed. This doesnt affect most sessions as common zombies have very little health anyway, but it's a little painful on realism modes where zombies take massively reduced bodyshot damage.

As for the versus community... well, I genuinely don't know how one videogame can harbor some of the most toxic, vile people in one gamemode, and some of the nicest and wholesome people in the other. Just... stay away from versus mode, the people in PvE are much nicer. (Just don't join Expert unless you're confident in your abilities and you wanna challenge yourself. As much as I don't mind helping some relatively inexperienced players through an expert run, a portion of the Expert community doesn't really have the patience to help newer players and will instead see you as dead weight because they suck too bad to carry themselves, nevermind you lmao . Most of us are nice though, don't worry :). Just be careful because bad apples do pop up from time to time.)

As for the rest of the game though, it's fun, its cheap, it runs well on almost any PC nowadays, and my favorite part, it promotes (and honestly kinda requires) genuine teamwork from a team, rather than just giving a bunch of people a common goal and saying "go!" like a lot of other games do. Although lone wolves do not survive, just sticking near your teammates and keeping an eye on them (and ear out for them) from time to time is usually more than enough, especially on Normal or Advanced. Like seriously, if you wanna bond with a friend / group of friends, this is the game (or I guess genre now since there are a ton of games in the style of L4D).

I implore you to at least give this game a try. It's so cheap that you honestly might as well.
Posted 29 October, 2023.
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6.9 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
As ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up as this game is, I can't deny that this was a hell of an experience. Ignoring the elephant in the room, everything else about this game is actually very well done. Not exactly a traditional horror game, but it will absolutely fill your soul with dread for a good 3 hours (as of chapter 2's release).

If I had a nickel for every time I put my elbows on my desk, put my head in my hands and said "this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game, man..." I'd have a lot of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nickels, thats for sure.
Posted 24 October, 2023.
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538.0 hrs on record (169.3 hrs at review time)
i love playing the dolphin girl but my friends hate me
Posted 21 October, 2023.
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153.8 hrs on record (135.1 hrs at review time)
this game is really good but i hate microsoft
Posted 5 October, 2023.
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8.3 hrs on record
i went into the game after reading a bunch of reviews along the lines of "it's a disservice to call this game 'just a mod', it's good enough to be its own standalone game."

i agree.
Posted 8 September, 2023.
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125 people found this review helpful
21.0 hrs on record (15.2 hrs at review time)
This game feels like what games felt like when I was a kid
Posted 6 September, 2023.
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