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2 people found this review helpful
30.8 hrs on record (12.6 hrs at review time)
Despite what other reviews have said, I am playing on a win 7 device with apparently known graphic driver conflicts w/ the game, and with that, I have not had any crashes of any sort.
This game is very fun and I am glad my friend recommended it to me. I wish it had more levels!
Good price too. All around great value and quality product. 9/10, would give 10 if there were more levels!!!
Posted 13 December, 2023.
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421.0 hrs on record (100.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I have successfully logged 1:360th of my lifespan in this game, at 100 hours.
Therefore, I feel I am obligated to review.
Project Zomboid is the highly addictive, feature packed multiplayer zombie game you always wished existed as a kid. Somehow, I ended up entirely glossing over its existence until quite literally weeks ago.
Still, I have not skipped a beat in making up for that lost time.
Me and my brother have a world with a house full of food and fridges. Mixed infected. Highly frequent alarms. And bite only infection. We're 28 days later styling it out here. These are options I was able to PICK. That's just too cool to leave out of this review for me.

-Decently priced game for the entertainment you get out of it.
-Fun multiplayer! And split screen, that one shocked me!!!
-Do whatever you want. Break ♥♥♥♥, steal ♥♥♥♥, crash cars into ♥♥♥♥. Hell, burn it all down! The sky is the limit with the world interaction.
-Easy to learn controls, and very nice interactive in-game menus. (inventory, minimap etc)
-Simple repairing and maintenance of equipment. Quite honestly much better crafting than many games of the same genre.
-This game is still actively backed and updated despite its age. There's still much more content to come!
-Satisfying combat mechanics. A loooooot of things to kill stuff with in this game. And that doesn't just include the undead.

Cons? ;(
-The game has bugs. You're almost guaranteed to run into one per each game session. Asking me to elaborate on what kinds or forms is like asking me to tell you how many ants in the world there are. It's a lot.
-This game runs on purely CPU. This was something I didn't know when purchasing. Totally takes over my quad core 4300. Game needs optimization, but apparently that's already in the works.
-Learning curve is clunky. I've accidentally died a few times because I couldn't get back in my car, character did something I didn't tell it to, etc., you will get better with time at the controls, but, expect to immediately die a few times to things probably out of your control.
-No NPCs. (yet)
-Not much lore. I'm not sure if I just haven't found much of it yet. There just doesn't seem to be really much if any information. (I refuse to look anything about this game's story up thus far, don't wanna spoil it if I am missing something. There could totally be stuff I haven't found.)
-I have no friends to play this game with besides my siblings. This is the biggest con for me so far. ;-;

All in all, this is a very solid game, with an immersive post-apocalyptic world at your fingertips to salvage or destroy, this game has plenty to offer, and will surely keep you occupied for some time to come. I highly recommend this game to anyone considering it.

Posted 19 April, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
149.0 hrs on record (114.0 hrs at review time)
If you enjoy games based in building things, fending off enemies that vary in difficulty, and collecting materials and items, then this game is definitely one you should at least try, for $20 it's fairly entertaining, enough so that I have over 100 hours in it and still find it fun to play.

Story wise, this game is pretty good. I like the lore, and I am saving my pennies for the second one coming out soon.

The online has potential for griefers, but with a decently large map, it is not too difficult to just move away from them or just even remove them from the server altogether.

Other than that,
my only complaints are the low enemy volume, as after a while, I'd really, really love to see groups of like 20-30 cannibals attack my base,
and the boats, because the largest raft with two oars on each side is basically impossible to use by yourself, something it does NOT tell you when crafting it.

And for some reason, they removed heavier boat building. Which, while I understand, is just disappointing to me. I really enjoyed having a hilarious tiny raft with 5 floors and flights of stairs causing it to lean heavily to the side, while staying row-able. That was a hilariously fun glitch.

Otherwise, this is a good game to play to pass time, and is even funner with friends or even strangers, and I'd recommend grabbing it, if you can on sale, even when the second comes out.
Posted 7 February, 2022.
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73.1 hrs on record (71.9 hrs at review time)
Please describe what you liked or disliked about this game and whether you recommend it to others.
Please remember to be polite and follow the Rules and Guidelines.
Posted 8 January, 2022. Last edited 8 January, 2022.
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76.4 hrs on record (17.8 hrs at review time)
bing chilling
Posted 20 November, 2021.
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74.3 hrs on record (60.2 hrs at review time)
A very addictive, fast-paced zombie survival rng. Sometimes you just get very bad luck, but with resource management and proper character maintenance, you can create strong armed groups to defend against the various enemies, both undead and not. Has some awesome story writing, I can't give any spoilers as I myself still don't know the entire story, and I feel it is worth playing through to experience, although it is a lengthy game that will require some free time.

Only experienced a few bugs so far, one where I accidentally scored 40 rations from a single battle, which I cannot complain about at ALL lol, and the second where my group rested for the night, and Olivia was just chilling on the ground, although she had full health and was not dead or hungry. She could shoot and do everything, even slide across the ground hilariously, but sadly could only slide up/down. Seems the bugs are RNG, too. Adds to the fun in my opinion.
Posted 18 November, 2021.
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2,078.7 hrs on record
This used to be one of my favorite games to play with friends, but since the update that makes the rockstar launcher police what OS you use, I can't play. (Windows 7).
I'll likely not play this or in the future any rockstar titles, simple because they disrespect their playerbase. Not much to miss from the upcoming 6 trailer.
Posted 16 August, 2020. Last edited 16 November, 2024.
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35.1 hrs on record (21.6 hrs at review time)
gwq3ratg easdfg
Posted 2 July, 2019.
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1 person found this review funny
3,978.2 hrs on record (1,166.2 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Posted 17 February, 2018.
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3.4 hrs on record
This game has been out for six months already, and I hyped it perhaps a bit too much. It's a fun game, it's a cool concept, and it serves it's purpose, however I keep running into a main menu game breaking bug that forces me to exit the game and restart it. That, and a bug that throws me out of online lobbies are things I can't help but think other people are experiencing too. As always, DLC shouldn't come before bug fixes, and with bugs this large you'd think they'd get fixed sooner, but all in all a decent game. I bought it on sale, I wasn't going to pay full price because I had heard it was pretty buggy.
Posted 26 December, 2016.
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