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Recent reviews by FlawlessTheory

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3.8 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
Criminally underrated, neat little game
Posted 11 January.
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32.0 hrs on record (28.1 hrs at review time)
Жалко, что русификацию от 1С не завезли, озвучка там была хорошая. Но всё равно рекомендую.
Posted 25 July, 2024.
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29.9 hrs on record
Поляки сделали неплохой градостроительный симулятор... НО КАКОЙ ЦЕНОЙ???!!!11!адын
Поставил бы плюс, не будь лютого морализаторства. Осуждение детского труда в викторианской Англии - это просто идиотизм, почитайте хотя бы "Приключения Оливера Твиста", чтобы не позориться вот так.
Posted 25 July, 2024. Last edited 25 July, 2024.
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12.4 hrs on record
Guess I don't like TV series. Also, gameplay is rather lame.
Posted 25 July, 2024.
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69.8 hrs on record (69.7 hrs at review time)
Unstable, unbalanced mess of a game. Can't bring myself to finish it solo, can't even properly play in coop with my girlfriend. Buy Wasteland 3 instead.
Posted 4 January, 2024.
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11.0 hrs on record
I thought that Stronghold didn't need yet another edition, HD works just fine.
Boy, was I wrong! I don't think I can go back to HD or original versions after playing DE: it looks so, so much better on a big screen. And it's cheap, too! Also, mad respect for bringing the original scribe back, the game wouldn't be the same without him.
Posted 3 December, 2023.
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110.8 hrs on record (73.2 hrs at review time)
I have crippling Auto-9/45 addiction.

Please, (don't) send help.
Posted 25 October, 2023.
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75.5 hrs on record (69.0 hrs at review time)
The first time I've ever been tempted to go for 100% completion of a game.

UPD: got every achivement except clearing all missions with S-rank. This is as close as it gets to having balance between playing AC6 and having a real life, folks.
Posted 25 October, 2023. Last edited 3 December, 2023.
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39.4 hrs on record (19.3 hrs at review time)
Страдает от тех же проблем, что и Frostpunk (необходимость сейвскамить, шизофренические решения в экспедициях и т. д.), интерфейс местами ужасно неоптимизирован (особенно исследования, разрабам стоило посмотреть пример Endless Space 2), есть малёха багов, но мне понравилось. Жду бесконечного режима.
Posted 18 December, 2022.
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47.3 hrs on record (43.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's buggy, it's not quite polished, sometimes it's lame, but I don't care and appreciate devs picking themselves up after years of stagnation. Also, it looks good and quite different from other survival games out there.
Posted 15 December, 2021.
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A developer has responded on 17 Dec, 2021 @ 9:23am (view response)
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