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Atmophere is amazing, combat is spectacular yet simple, and story is confusing in a good way.

P.S. Path of Pain is meant for masochists
Публикувана 3 май 2018.
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380.8 изиграни часа (250.6 часа по време на рецензията)
This game is technically a dark souls game, but after playing it you can tell things are a bit off.

------------Cruel dark souls 2 specialties different from the other dark souls titles:
-Hitboxes are actually broken
-Enemies won't respawn after enough deaths
-Your healthbar will lower per death til you [humanity/effigy/ember] but caps at a certain point
-The dlc was meant to make people contemplate suicide

-----------Dark souls 2 improvements over other souls game
-Bonfire asctetic that allows you to replay a boss for it's soul without having to go through the entire game again
-God choice player matching [better than ds1, worse than ds3]
-Weapon arts
-Alot of content
-Can run on a dead cat tied to a car battery

Long story short, don't get this as your first dark souls game, but if you liked the other give this a try.

Публикувана 25 април 2018.
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13.7 изиграни часа
Публикувана 1 януари 2018.
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4.7 изиграни часа (0.4 часа по време на рецензията)
If I had a dollar for every time my username was made fun of in this game, I could buy the Call of Duty Definitive Collection

This is my favorite Call of Duty
Публикувана 30 юли 2017.
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2,911.9 изиграни часа (2,165.8 часа по време на рецензията)
2.8k hours and negative???
This game was my favorite rts game, putting thousands of hours into it gladly time and time again, so why the negative review? This use to be a positively shining review of the game, complimenting its variety and in-depth mechanics time and time again, but the game isn't the bright example it once was.

Expansion after lazy expansion this game has become progressively less fun, tacking on extra features that basically do nothing except for the die-hard copium snorters while somehow locking major parts of the game behind paywalls.

I used to genuinely recommend this game and say 'if you want more cool ways to play, try the dlc after the base game'. Now Federations/most ascension perks/most of the economy/giga structures/intel/most types of vassalization/half the ship types are locked behind some sort of paywall. The game feels like a f2p mobile game that is supposed to give you premium features if you pay $20, but the catch here is this: They are never done releasing $10-20 dlcs that lock content you had before behind a paywall, with over $200 worth of dlc and counting.

I own every DLC up to Overlords and enough is enough, the game isn't the same anymore and I feel for EU4 fans where their shining example of the game is slowly being milked dry while making the game worse. Original DLC added massive overhauls to the gameplay, ways you could play the game, and entirely new things to discover... by contrast check the steam review % of any of the last several expansions.

Edit: My main problem isn't with Stellaris, but Paradox's DLC policy and what it has done to Stellaris. The core game and first few DLCs are a welcome addition but several times a year Paradox shoe-horns in a new mechanic that adds very little if you don't own the DLC that comes with the patch it is added. Certain mechanics do need expansions to make them more viable/fun, but where earlier DLC were based on 'what needs to be expanded to make the game better?' it now seems the policy is 'what CAN we expand to sell more content packs?', adding very little just so they can excuse leeching $10-15 from die-hard fans. In the past 2-3 years there has not been a single expansion that wasn't mixed or below that wasn't a species pack [which fans love just because different origins/portraits allow them to RP better as a race]. Not to mention the fact that whenever a new DLC comes out the game becomes nigh unplayable for the next month or so with game-breaking bugs, so even if I don't buy the dlc and want to come back to it I will still suffer with a terribly flawed game state. I come back to it every 5 months or so, but in the same way you visit your dementia riddled grandparents. I still get to enjoy some time with them, with my eyes glazed over in reminiscence from a time they were self reliant and happy, only to sour the visit after a day or so when they scream that I am not their real grandkid. Thank you Paradox.
Публикувана 28 юли 2017. Последно редактирана 15 март 2024.
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464.0 изиграни часа (309.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Best Dark Souls

Plunging attack still no attack

Anorexic goat covenant

Публикувана 18 май 2017. Последно редактирана 17 юни 2018.
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54.1 изиграни часа (51.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Played single player:laughed.
Played multiplayer:got removed from my jet fighter mid-flight and turned into a hotdog stand.

I don't see any problems here.
Публикувана 1 януари 2017.
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26.8 изиграни часа (19.4 часа по време на рецензията)
It's good if ya like combat/stealth/story-driven/beautiful/decision-heavy games.

Depending on how thoroughly you go through and collect/learn the story the game itself takes anywhere from 7-14 hours to beat, but those hours spent are worth it, pick it up on sale if you can.

I bought this game on Xbox for $60 when it first came out, and then bought it again to which I replayed through it twice more, it's pretty good, don't regret either purchase.
Публикувана 29 декември 2016.
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A fun space rts, with a simple grid/trail system so you don't have the ai micromanaging you from a thousand angles.

Long story short: DON'T BUY IT FULL PRICE, DEAR GOD IT'S EXPENSIVE FOR AN OLD GAME. Pick it up on sale, it goes for 75% fairly often.
Публикувана 26 декември 2016.
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1,784.3 изиграни часа (885.5 часа по време на рецензията)
When reviewing Ark I initially reviewed it positively. A sprawling survival game with the very unique mechanic to tame and ride dinosaurs, what is not to love? It is challenging and loads of fun with friends!

Then Wildcard sold us the Scorched Earth DLC before it left early access. "It is to help us pay for a lawsuit!" so I believed them.

Then Wildcard released 'Atlas', a sprawling ocean world that was similar to Ark but a totally new game! That is until it was shown to literally have the Ark menu in the game that Atlas was literally just a new map sold as an entirely new game... so I was skeptical.

Then Wildcard sold us 'Extinction', their 'final' DLC that forced you to buy the season pass with all the other maps to play it, so I was distrustful.

Then Wildcard released Genesis 1/2 as entirely different season passes. I thought selling the original season pass to include 'all future dlcs' then switch it up to squeeze out more money from the fans was pure greed, so I all but lost faith in them.

Then Wildcard showed that their official pvp servers, which were a joke to begin with, had admins spawning in dinosaurs/items to help people from their parent company[Snail Games] get an advantage/sell said resources for real-world cash. So I gave up on Wildcard and focused on the community.

Then Wildcard appointed their forum moderator team, a light hearted joke[media.discordapp.net] that said 'play along' to an unpopular thread was all it took, not against the guidelines by any means. Now a forum day ban is laid out in the rules as a warning for first time offenders, but it takes a lot of brain cells to combine words into a string of coherent thought, so they just slapped me with a perma-ban immediately. Appealed with steam and thought 'It happens, it was sorted out and the problem is resolved'. So I thought the moderator team was a bit prickly but the community would be worth it.

Several more helpful threads/comments in the community and I made a simple joke that since I was the mighty steam level 38 that my opinion was more valid than others, poking fun at several people who claimed steam levels determined opinion quality. Not against the rules and since other people were doing it I assumed it was alright, all I did was quote a user[cdn.discordapp.com] and make a joke.

Every post I had ever made in the Ark forums for over half a decade was erased
Settings help, starter guides help, cute comments about how dinosaurs look adorable, troubleshooting help, and simple jokes back and forth with forum commentators.

To ban someone is one thing, even if you selectively ban people(not banned/deleted)[cdn.discordapp.com] you dislike instead of banning everyone who breaks said rule (with the severity being based on your opinion of the person, like the person I quoted getting a 1-day after multiple offenses), it just makes it so that the user cannot post in the future. To delete all comments made by someone going out of their way to help others is such a spiteful thing to do that I can't help but feel ashamed I ever put time in this game to begin with. You did it Wildcard, you make the community a joke. [Yes, a bit dramatic but I do feel just a tad bit betrayed that Wildcard just stopped caring about who drove the community bus]

Edit: Wrote 3 tickets to Ark support.
1) Thought the permaban for my first offense was a bit heavy handed and plus I saw quite a few comments get deleted that were following the rules so I wrote ark support about it. 'Read the rules lmao'[cdn.discordapp.com]

2) I tried to appeal my 2nd ban[appealed the first through steam] through Ark support. I provided evidence that nothing I said was wrong and that I didn't deserve the ban. I was told '2nd ban in a month, git rekt'[cdn.discordapp.com] to which I showed that part of the stated reason for the appeal decision was wrong and that I wanted to know which rule I broke to deserve the ban. 'Dont ever talk to me or my son again'[cdn.discordapp.com]. No further comment on my part to keep my ticket privilege for my last ticket. The funny thing about this denied appeal is that there is another user who was banned 4 times [now 5] on the forum in the last month, and they were unbanned through legitimate appeals[cdn.discordapp.com]. This happens, support centers have different people with different tendencies except... hold-up... what if they were the same person[cdn.discordapp.com]??? And, no, every person I have talked to who tried to send in support tickets was answered by the same person, you can even look up their name on several Ark websites.

3) Account suspended when I tried to resend the abuse request.[media.discordapp.net] Honestly, there was no point in even trying. Maybe I posted improperly, maybe I made a poorly delivered joke or two, but I did not do anything outside of average steam-user behavior and was exorcised completely from the community I gave a damn about. Again, permabanning instantly for first time offenders for a mild joke isn't just, permabanning users for quoting someone who isn't punished isn't just, and deleting all comments/posts someone made out of pure spite isn't just.

Addendum: The whole 'generic name' and a 'few people use it' is bs. You can find several different websites with 1 person by that name that is associated with WC and in all their profiles it says 'WC support'. I would show their name but I am not out to start a witch hunt, only expose how insanely corrupt their system is.
Публикувана 28 ноември 2016. Последно редактирана 21 декември 2023.
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