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Recent reviews by flameSandwich

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78.7 hrs on record (66.0 hrs at review time)
potato brother
Posted 23 November, 2023.
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314.6 hrs on record (41.9 hrs at review time)
this game is dog
Posted 23 November, 2022.
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698.5 hrs on record (596.7 hrs at review time)
crossing guard required
Posted 29 November, 2021.
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8.3 hrs on record
i want to pop some hunies
Posted 29 November, 2019.
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618.9 hrs on record (475.4 hrs at review time)
Posted 5 July, 2019.
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62.5 hrs on record (23.3 hrs at review time)
I used to play the first game years ago on Kongregate. Didn't even realize there was a second or third until it was in the humble bundle 2 weeks ago, good game.
Posted 22 November, 2017.
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0.3 hrs on record
Edit August 7th: nearly a month later and the game hasnt had an update to fix the problems and the developer has added trading cards to get more money.

It crashed the first time I put it into fullscreen. The shooting isn't aligned with the mouse, it fires to the right of it about 10 degrees, slightly more acurate while walking in the direction you're shooting. The enemies are constantly firing which wouldnt be a problem in they didnt walk directly towards you from a mile off screen. You move too slow without upgrades to dodge bullets if you aren't already walking away from them, I often lose a heart before I leave the town. You can take multiple ticks of damage, making the item near the turrets that shoot 4 projectiles impossible to get.

I crafted a badge and got a 90% coupon for this game so i thought, "$.20 game that came out today, neat." Not really worth the 20 cents
Posted 11 July, 2017. Last edited 7 August, 2017.
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192.1 hrs on record (184.9 hrs at review time)
degenerates like you belong on a cross
Posted 25 November, 2016. Last edited 22 November, 2018.
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135.5 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
for the love of god, rerecord/remaster bonchovy's audio
Posted 28 May, 2016. Last edited 21 March, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
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78.6 hrs on record (48.5 hrs at review time)
*click* *jiggle* *click* *jiggle* *click* *jiggle* *click* *jiggle* *click* *jiggle* *click* *jiggle* *click* *jiggle* *click* *jiggle* *click* *jiggle* *click* *jiggle* *achievement unlocked*

i r8 10/8 m8
Posted 19 February, 2015.
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