Chris Yeung   Hong Kong
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Cyberpunk 2077
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A fun but shallow experience
Cyberpunk 2077 is a good game despite all the negativity surrounding it at the moment, but there are so many things holding it back from being great. You can tell the developers has put a lot of love and effort into this game by how detailed the world is and all the interesting characters they've created. Despite all this, the game is lacking in a lot of areas. Bad AI, poor performance, numerous bugs and glitches.

I would recommend waiting a few months before buying it as I'm sure most of the problems will be fixed by then but you will definitely still have an enjoyable experience if you decide to buy it now.

  • This is the best looking city I've seen in an open world game period. Your eyes will be drawn to neon lights reflecting off the small puddles on the street, the hover cars zooming around above you, the dense city traffic and diversity of people in the background. Everything looks like as if it's been ripped from a Blade Runner movie and that's a good thing. The graphics are amazing, with ray tracing turned on and everything cranked to the max you'll be stopping every minute to take in the sights.
  • The combat feels fun and engaging. You have a lot of options here to choose from. Want to be the ultimate stealth killer? Or maybe you'd rather slice people up with blades that come out of your arms. Or you could just hack in and fry their brains to a crisp.
  • Lots of weapons and armor to choose from. You can even choose what kind of tech you have installed on your body. Each of these can be slotted with different mods to give you bonuses and buffs. There's even a gun that has an AI in it and it would throw you a funny line when you reload or kill someone.
  • You'll be getting around the city by car when you're not on foot. There are many cars for you to buy and all of them look great. From fancy sports cars to off road trucks, pick what you like as it doesn't really affect gameplay much aside from being faster or having better handling. There are a lot of well placed fast travel points around the map too if you just need to get somewhere quick.
  • There's a lot of people you get to meet in your journey. All of them have their own personalities and quirks you have to deal with. Voice acting is top notch and the models look great.
  • There are different outcomes for the story and quests depending on your dialogue choice or how you approach combat, etc. Multiple endings are here so make a save before the final mission to experience all of them.
  • The side quests are pretty good. One of the memorable ones I've done is one that had me being friends with a talking vending machine.
  • The story makes sense for the most part and sticks to themes relating to humanity, freedom, and identity. I wouldn't say that it's anything you haven't seen but it does a good job of keeping you entertained. The pacing is good with thrilling missions and emotional moments in between.
  • Johnny Silverhand. Keanu Reeves did a bang up job with this character. He is one of the main elements in the story and you get to see his character develop as your friendship with him grows.

  • The AI is absolute garbage. Yes, the crowd density is impressive to look at but all they do is walk around anyway. In no way will they interact with you or the world around them. NPCs will do the same ducking animations when there's danger. Cars can't even swerve around your car so you must move it so that the whole car is on the sidewalk. The cops don't actually look for you but instead just spawn near you. The enemy AI makes no sense, I could headshot his friend in front of him and he'll still walk around in the open instead of hiding behind cover. The racing isn't even real racing because the AI will just constantly spawn behind you to try to catch up if you're in front.
  • The map is filled with meaningless side content. Basically amounts to "go to this location, kill everyone, and grab the stuff" rinse and repeat.
  • There is nothing to do in the city. There are no fun activities to do on the side. You can't even get a drink at a bar, you just buy it from the bartender then it goes into your inventory. It doesn't even come close to games like Yakuza and GTA in regards to this.
  • It is very buggy. Now granted my playthrough doesn't seem to be as broken as other have claimed to be. I've had NPCs walking through cars, UI elements stuck on my screen, game failing to load properly after a cutscene, and many more. None of them were "game breaking" per say but still took me out of my immersion and enjoyment of the game.
  • Only one romance option WTF? I mean there's two if you count a one night stand as a romance option. Very disappointing. Also the ♥♥♥♥♥ size option might as well not be there. Why waste development time on pointless features which you don't get to use in the game anyway.
  • Now for the main issue, performance. My rig currently has an 3600X, RTX3070, 32GB RAM, M.2 SSD. When the game just came out it struggled to maintain 60 FPS at 1440p on ultra settings, constantly dipping into the 40-50 range. And that's even without RTX turned on. With RTX on medium settings I was getting around 30-40 FPS. Now turning on DLSS does help performance quite a bit but was still having trouble hitting 60 FPS. Now with the new patch, the performance improved a little bit. I can now reliably hit 60 FPS on ultra without RTX but this is with DLSS on quality mode. I gave on turning on RTX already since I'd rather have the game running smooth. If you want RTX then I'd suggest using a mix of high and medium settings with DLSS on balanced mode. I feel like my hardware should be running this no problem yet the game seems to be poorly optimized as a lot of other users are experiencing problems with performance as well. Just know that you will need a decent setup to fully enjoy this game.
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