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Скорошни рецензии на fivestatedrive

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1 човек намери тази рецензия за полезна
19.3 изиграни часа
This game is phenomenal. It features beautiful art, witty and fun dialogue, good music, and most importantly, novel, addictive puzzle mechanics that scratch an itch that the Adventure of Lolo games cultivated in my youth.

This is the type of gameplay that can seep into your dreams, much like Tetris. Or at least it did mine.

The main quest runs a satisfying length. i thought the replay would be limited, but i had a lot of fun replaying two more times to get all the achievements.

Which brings me to my two biggest wishes; a map, and a series of standalone challenge rooms for once you've mastered the game.

i can see myself coming back to try and speed run/complete with minimal steps.

Overall highly recommended, and i cant wait to see what Furniture and Mattress does next. (And yes, that jingle is still stuck in my head).
Публикувана 31 юли 2024. Последно редактирана 31 юли 2024.
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