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Дней с последней блокировки: 2034
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Watch_Dogs 2
“Sparks flew up, expired, and he had wished that a person might find oblivion as easily. It was a different matter now. People grew into each other, became intertwined, and life was no mere matter of existence, no mere flash of time. It was time that made the difference. The time that was consumed in moving one’s feet along the earth, in learning the smell of coming snow, in enduring hunger and fear and the loss of pride; all that made a difference. And a still greater difference was this entangling of lives. People grew together like creeping vines. The root of beginning was hard to find in the many that had come together and spread their foliage in one mass."

- D'Arcy McNickle, The Surrounded
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последний запуск 23 мар
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последний запуск 23 янв
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последний запуск 19 янв