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11.3 hrs on record
The remastered version doesnt look so much better.
Just tweaked the graphics to be at its best inside the old engine i believe.
To the game itself:
I played this after I played Infinite and I got to say (after everyone told me that this would be the best part of the series) I got to disagree.
The gameplay here is very stale and closer to the end it just gets frustrating because you hardly make any damage with normal ammo. Many of the plasmids are just there to stun enemies wherefore I happened to use Telekinesis a lot because it made (a lot) more damage in the usual encounters than using the Inferno or Shock plasmids for example.
It's just hours of walking around and collecting things for people to get to another place.
In the end there is that iconic boss you have to defeat and after that, there's a very short epilogue (30 seconds maybe) and then the credits roll.
Although the story and the twists are quite interesting, the way of storytelling isn't that good, since there are just thousands of voice memos of people for you to collect and listen to and then you're also talking to others through a walkie talkie, which is basically the same. The physical encounters with these people are better.

The idea of the plasmids itself in combination with normal weapons is just great but since they haven't made the movement, FOV, graphics better with the remastering and you still want to play this kind of game, I simply recommend you to play Bioshock Infinite because it makes up for most of which this part lacks and has a better story.

Posted 29 September, 2016.
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252.2 hrs on record (103.0 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
- finally play competetive
- enemy team sucks
- end half with like 9,0 k/d
- 12 year old calls me hacker
- we win 16/2
- proceeds to call me hacker and noob
- claims to report me
- still won
- buy overpriced skins with money I need for food

10/10 would would
Posted 26 November, 2015.
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11.0 hrs on record
I like this game, yes I do.
Although the story is kinda repetetive and linear.
What I didn't understand is why Lara looks so different in the game compared to the covers and trailers. Wasn't it possible for the engine to shape a few sections of her face a little differently?
The gameplay is really good imo because it is not quite hard to get further in the game. There are some points where you just don't know where to go and you ask yourself why you always die but you'll learn by spectating the area around you a little more and by this you'll finally find the right way.
Some characters didn't have to die because the enemies are such idiots you can kill all by yourself without your friends going down. Well these people think that Lara is more important for the story so they die for her.
And Whitman is just a ♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Nevertheless sometimes I'd have liked to skip the parts where you have to climb up all these stone walls and other things just to kill more enemies with the bow. (I like the action more but this depends on the player)
The weapons are limited to a bow, a pistol, a full automatic rifle (later with underbarrel) and a shotgun. The climbing tool is also your melee weapon.
You actually don't need any more weapons because it's not an fps and I could've gone through the game with just the pistol and the bow.

Well yeah. good game. Definitely worth the 4,99€ I spent. For the price I'd say 10/10.
But otherwise I'd give it a 8/10 would recommend.
Posted 8 December, 2014.
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6.9 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
I know it might be a great game but..
There is no sound working.. Well there is.. in the menu, when you get a new power, when you hack something and such.. but not in the sequences of the entire game where it is supposed to be..
I fixed it on Windows 7.. Upgraded to 8.1 and now the sound is gone again,
I tried everything that should've fixed it but nothing did work.
Add some support, 2K, please, somehow.
Posted 9 September, 2014.
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19.1 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)
Extra einen Sale abgewartet, um das Spiel zu holen.
Es war das Geld wirklich wert.
Macht richtig Spaß und ist einfach verrückt.
Zudem ist es so gut Programmiert, da ich es selbst mit meiner Nvidia GT 630 noch spielen kann und es einfach atemberaubend aussieht.

Grafik ++
Gameplay ++
Steuerung ++
Story bisher ++
Posted 28 June, 2014.
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