Finnmark, Norway
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Kulakus 4 oct. la 4:48 
Gaming time is anytime Join now!
ViperShådow 4 mai la 6:57 
+rep from faceit
panic_off | TWITCH 25 apr. la 13:41 
▏╲ ▂▂▂╱▔╲
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╱  ┃▋┃▋▕ ▂▂▂ +rep
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v1to 22 apr. la 14:52 
+ rep great callouts and excellent fragger :EDF5Weapon:
MidnightHunter 15 apr. la 15:40 
+rep :D good player on Faceit
HolySlipper 13 apr. la 17:26 
good player and just a good person <3