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4 people found this review helpful
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49.3 hrs on record (22.3 hrs at review time)
ALL COMPLAINTS ABOUT REGION LOCK ARE IDIOTIC. Region lock does not matter one bit and if you cannot play with your friends from another region, that is your personal problem and not the game's.

Moving on.

Simply put this game is Overwatch + Valorant + maybe CoD. The game mechanics are borrowed from these two games along with CoD's loadout system. It has its own unique game mechanic called stringification (or something like that) which makes the maps from the other games more fun. The stringy function can not only be used to traverse the map, but also serves as a dodge function if used properly, it is an amazing idea. At present the game has 5 different modes and they all function differently which makes the game extremely fun to play. For example, an escort mode or a demolition mode allows you to use the full abilities (skills and utilities) of a character making the game mode more serious and competitive. While the team deathmatch and one more mode only allows you to use the passive skill of the character. This makes the gameplay more arcady and casual. Another gameplay design element that is different from the base 'inspired' games is the ability to upgrade your characters in game, which gives it a MOBA-esque feel to it by tailoring the character to the situation. These restrictions in different modes coupled with the unique gameplay elements is what makes this game non repetitive and absolutely fantastic to play in my opinion.

As every online live service game in existence this game also has a microtransaction model with a battle pass. However, this battle pass is not aggressively predatory designed to suck your wallet dry. Every microtransaction is for cosmetic stuff. Yes, you can buy locked characters with real money, but that is only if you are impatient, which then becomes your personal problem. The default character pool is balanced enough to find which play style suits you and keep you entertained until you play more games and unlock the other characters.

The matchmaking is good and simple, and has a logical progression system that is clear from the outset. The invite and party system works and the UI is simple and effective throughout the game.

Finally, the gatcha and art style are completely subjective points and not a matter of objective public debate. Yes, the gatcha system requires money, but the game does not force you to spend it by locking critical gameplay elements behind it. As I said earlier, it is all completely cosmetic and how you spend your money on inconsequential cosmetic things is your personal problem.

Overall I believe this is a very good game at launch and is definitely worth a try if you want a unique twist to Overwatch and valorant. The game is free to play, go try it out yourself and decide yourself.

P.S: If you are an experienced Overwatch player, Strinova has a hilariously brilliant take on King's Row and Watchpoint Gibraltor because of the stringy thingy.
Posted 26 November, 2024. Last edited 27 November, 2024.
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100.0 hrs on record (20.3 hrs at review time)
A very good tower defense.
Posted 31 January, 2023.
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6.8 hrs on record

Motorsport Manager is much better.
Posted 22 November, 2022. Last edited 22 November, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
25.6 hrs on record (20.8 hrs at review time)
Have completed this game on PS4. A very good game. Nothing innovative in terms of gameplay as it uses mechanics from other games and implements them in a very cohesive way. The main quests are good, the errands are meh, but at least they are believable as opposed to some other games developed by so called top tier developers. The overall story is really REALLY good. The acting of the main characters is good. The level progression is well thought out and does not level cap you in any way. Inventory management can be a a little tiresome at some times, however, it is a very small complaint for me. The world design isn't overwhelming, which is good. It is simple and functional. Not unnecessarily big. Exploring the world gives you simple basic rewards along with a lot of lore which contributes to the story.

Overall I would say one of the better RPG's in the recent times, well worth at least a try now that the issues on PC have been ironed out. Using the bows with a mouse is just what makes the PC version better for me.
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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4 people found this review helpful
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874.4 hrs on record (91.5 hrs at review time)
Quite simply put, not worth full price because the match engine is absolutely pathetic. The players stats do not matter and every goal keeper is the best goal keeper in the world. Also no matter how highly rated your strikers are, they will fail to convert 95% of chances.

I'd say, either wait for SI to fix this sad excuse of an engine which is surprisingly worse than FM19 or wait for the game to be on a very deep sale, probably 95% off.

Update: Tried the latest beta patch, still the engine is broken. The players attributes are still not taken into consideration. Though 1v1 have reduced by around 90%, the strikers of your own team have completely forgotten how to play the game. The wingers have learned how to cross the ball and are more effective now. The defense how ever is still dumb struck over long balls over the head and overall haven't learned how to do their job, which is defending, instead they just turn around in circles and watch the opponents go past them. The cards have certainly reduced, but the foul count is still the same which is a lame way to fix an issue. The tactics and instructions are still a foreign language to the engine because it still calculates the winning chances based purely on the reputation of the club, which again is plain stupid.
Advice to SI: Sack your current producer and don't release the next FM unless you fix the most important part of the game.
Posted 5 January, 2020. Last edited 20 February, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.5 hrs on record
A Real CRPG from the masters of RPG. Worth every unit of money it costs.
Posted 1 July, 2019.
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17.8 hrs on record (12.5 hrs at review time)
The story of the campaign is very good and the campaign itself can be considered as a very long and detailed tutorial, which in my opinion is very well layed out. The gameplay is very nice and refreshing as it is a mixture of RTS, very light city building and tile based strategy games and this makes it different from the other strategy games out there.
Posted 22 November, 2018.
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220.1 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
Brilliant in every way.
Posted 23 November, 2017.
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102.9 hrs on record (67.6 hrs at review time)
Must play. A gem from Bioware that stands whoulder to shwoulder with Newinter nights and Dragon age.
Posted 26 November, 2016.
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