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Преглед на глобалните статистики за постижения
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19 of 46 (41%) Достигнати постижения::

Лични постижения

Shrug It Off

Win a battle with 1 HP remaining.
Откл. на 30 ян. 2020 в 20:39

The Pact

Exhaust 20 cards in a single combat.
Откл. на 30 ян. 2020 в 20:24


Have 9 Energy during a single turn of combat.
Откл. на 1 февр. 2020 в 5:46


Have 99 or more Block during combat.
Откл. на 2 февр. 2020 в 1:09


Defeat 3 enemies with Poison in a single combat.
Откл. на 1 февр. 2020 в 20:44


Defeat a boss without taking any damage.
Откл. на 1 февр. 2020 в 21:40

The Guardian

Defeated the Guardian.
Откл. на 26 ян. 2020 в 3:34

The Ghost

Defeated Hexaghost.
Откл. на 25 ян. 2020 в 0:40

The Boss

Defeated the Slime Boss.
Откл. на 25 ян. 2020 в 17:49

The Automaton

Defeated the Bronze Automaton.
Откл. на 26 ян. 2020 в 4:36

The Collector

Defeated the Collector.
Откл. на 1 февр. 2020 в 6:34

The Champion

Defeated the Champ.
Откл. на 25 ян. 2020 в 22:11

The Crow

Defeated the Awakened One.
Откл. на 31 ян. 2020 в 3:48

The Shapes

Defeated Donu & Deca.
Откл. на 27 ян. 2020 в 10:06

The Time Eater

Defeated the Time Eater.
Откл. на 1 февр. 2020 в 19:06


Beat the game with the Ironclad.
Откл. на 27 ян. 2020 в 10:06


Beat the game with the Silent.
Откл. на 31 ян. 2020 в 3:48

Ascend 0

Unlock Ascension mode.
Откл. на 27 ян. 2020 в 10:06


Beat the game with the Defect.
Откл. на 2 февр. 2020 в 1:09


Have 3 or fewer cards in hand, draw, and discard pile combined.

Come At Me

Win a combat without playing an Attack.


Have 10 or more buffs during combat.


Have 50 or more Strength during combat.


Have 999 Block during combat.


Apply 99 or more Poison on a single enemy.


Play 10 Shivs in a single turn.


Play 25 cards in a single turn.

You Are Nothing

Defeat a boss on turn 1.

Who Needs Relics?

Beat the game with a single relic.

Speed Climber

Beat the game in under 20 minutes.


Beat the game with a 5 card deck or smaller.

Ooh Donut!

Finish Donu with a Feed.

Ascend 10

Complete Ascension Level 10.

Common Sense

Beat the game with a deck containing no uncommons or rares.


Have 25 or more Focus during combat.


Channel 9 Plasma in a single turn.

My Lucky Day

Win a Daily Climb.

The Transient

Defeat the Transient before it fades away.

Ascend 20

Complete Ascension Level 20.

Eternal One

Obtain all other Achievements.


Beat the game with the Watcher.


Complete the Ending with the Watcher.

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