Fallen Crowbar DK™[4N]
Name: Stefan Thor Age: 92 =D   Copenhagen, Staden Kobenhavn, Denmark
Im a random guy that likes to play games and loves gay bacon strips :D
Currently Offline
✪^1The Joker [4N] 28 Oct, 2016 @ 8:46am 
Hej min ven, lang tid siden. :)
Bendt L 59år - Ny i Spil 21 Nov, 2011 @ 12:07pm 
Aha. Another smoove move :P
2D Girl Enthusiast 18 Nov, 2011 @ 4:27am 
And then you realize that you forgot to put a 5. :D
Bendt L 59år - Ny i Spil 6 Nov, 2011 @ 10:18am 
Hej allesammen :D jeg har købt en account. Så nu har jeg 2. hvis i vil adde mig så bare add denne her
Fallen Crowbar DK™[4N] 16 Oct, 2011 @ 7:02am 
10 facts:

1. You are reading this comment

2. you are realizing that this is a stupid fact

4. You didn't notice I skipped three. You're checking now (that was a smoove move)

6. Your smiling

7. You are still reading my comment

9. You didn't realize I skipped 8

10. Your checkin again and smiling about how you fell 4 it again

11. You are enjoying this. U didn't realize there are only supposed to be 10 facts.