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52.0 hrs on record (27.3 hrs at review time)
The golden olden from an age gone by, among the best LAN games there was back when internet made dubstep noises.
Posted 29 November, 2016.
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115.3 hrs on record (62.7 hrs at review time)
The new standard, creme de la creme, city builder supreme.
The best you will get in a modern city builder, let alone the mod support... oh my god.

I've seen amazing creations on youtube, I wish all city-builder-game-developers would take an example out of this.

Superb game 11/10 would buy again.

PS: And all that for only 30 bucks... hot damn there is still hope for the game industry
Posted 25 August, 2016.
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15.3 hrs on record (13.3 hrs at review time)
Simply the best Total War game ever made. If you don't believe me check out Time Commanders a television show from the BBC hosted by the one and only Richard Hammond (also from Top Gear) where people play as generals trying to gain victory in a historical battle.

Anyways, game mechanics is far more superb than the newer instalation of Rome 2. Graphical wise outdated ofcourse. But that won't stop anyone from playing a good game.

PS: I don't have a big record of game time on steam simply because I played this from the orginal CD-ROM... I just bought the total war humble bundle collection.
Posted 5 October, 2015. Last edited 5 October, 2015.
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342.7 hrs on record (317.3 hrs at review time)
This awesome game, is one of the few games I put more then 350+ hours in. Why is this possible?
Well to start of, it has a huge free roaming sandbox singleplayer mode. Where you basicly can playout your own story, want to be a highway bandit, or an babarian king. Or a loyal mercenary warrior for one of the faction's king.

And if that wasn't enough there is multiplayer gameplay, which makes it alot more dephtening.
It makes things alot more interesting.

If you think you got the skill to pwn all the players in multiplayer I strongly recommend to install c-rpg... a multiplayer mod for warband with still a thriving community and alot new items and goodies + an interesting level-up system.

Be sure to check this game out, it may not look that awesome.. but really once you play a bit and get the hang out of it... you just can't get enough!
Posted 25 June, 2014.
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