Sam   New Zealand
in soviet russia, ,aissur teivos ni
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Достижения   0 из 220
Ellery 4 ноя. 2012 г. в 21:12 
what the hell is up with this random comment that has nothing to do with you at all?
Sirv 15 окт. 2012 г. в 22:07 
No it definately does not say my name is Sam in the description.
A_ 16 сен. 2012 г. в 5:16 
Is this Sam?
Grobnar the Magical Sea Urchin 13 июл. 2012 г. в 17:17 
Look at this comment and say "the game".
Frostyvamp 1 мар. 2012 г. в 16:47 
I did get your messages, But it was saying you were offline ._.
Sirv 30 дек. 2011 г. в 19:00 
ultimaetly rednudant psot splled badddie-liek