onle 4 or 5 no 1,2.3 21. lis. v 4.44 
thank you for the bocchi the rock workshop art!!
🄰🅄🅁🄾🅁🄰 20. lis. v 17.14 
Thank you for amazing furina genshin impact! Awesome work from you~ ^^
Kay_t0uchd0wn_ 20. lis. v 12.47 
i purchased a animated akeno art work from u as u can see from my profile from divient art am i able to get a custom name on it?
Kaiba 19. lis. v 20.11 
🄰🅄🅁🄾🅁🄰 18. lis. v 17.44 
Sending you friend request on discord. I wanna buy your artwork ^^
Бобер 11. lis. v 6.00 
-_非常識_- 9. lis. v 6.37 
+rep The best in the business :steamhappy:
Kaiba 7. lis. v 20.13 
Книга-Goat 6. lis. v 5.51 
Респект!! Взял твою иллюстрацию одну!
Cherii♡ 5. lis. v 12.05 
Hey! :) I'm trying to contact you somehow! I just bought two of your Steam artworks on Deviant. I downloaded the file, but I only got the preview image with the download and not the actual file, which is what I was really buying. Do you know what’s going on? :summercat2023:
Kaiba 4. lis. v 23.31 
Kaiba 4. lis. v 23.31 
LucidDreams 2. lis. v 20.05 
Hello there! I was just following up on a purchase I made on a beautiful piece of art you've done ❤️. I purchased a steam artwork showcase or Makima and was wondering if I could change the display name on it to LucidDreams. (I hope I'm messaging you in the right place) 😊
Drizzy 2. lis. v 7.08 
add ypu for a question
Kaiba 2. lis. v 1.05 
Kaiba 31. říj. v 21.26 
Dewstrokes 30. říj. v 12.50 
Hi, I would like to buy an art from Chrollo that is on his Kofi profile, but I would like a small change if possible
DENJER 28. říj. v 15.40 
Prinz Eugen 28. říj. v 15.30 
friendly and solved issue with artwork files 10/10
FaceitPro 24. říj. v 23.02 
Привет, ты видел, что тебя в группу выложили в обсуждениях?
HikariNoir 19. říj. v 16.56 
Hello i added u here also on disc cuz im interested on an artwork with my name on it. name onm discord is FeherFarkas if you could accept me.
𝄞Piong 11. říj. v 19.14 
Huxi 4. říj. v 16.37 
I want to order an artwork if you can accept my friend request
Kıłler 4. říj. v 5.54 
wanted to ask you something about your artwork if u dont mind
Kroki 2. říj. v 21.59 
I want to order an artwork if you can accept my friend request
Кобольд Бригадир 28. zář. v 22.23 
Thx for sukuna banner
exta 24. zář. v 6.20 
Biblically Accurate Homo 24. zář. v 3.57 
i love your artworks :CatSoHappy::nekoheart:
Biblically Accurate Homo 24. zář. v 3.57 
   :Heart_m::Heart_m:   :Heart_m::Heart_m:
Пригожин Женя 23. zář. v 9.20 
пошел в полит срач
Pinkey 22. zář. v 8.11 
Easy to work with 10/10 would come back for more artwork
Pinkey 21. zář. v 13.17 
Amazing artwork!
join my steam group please:luv:
thank you in advance:luv:
Stormy ⁧⁧ 3> 18. zář. v 10.01 
привет, я по поводу работы
skywhywalker 18. zář. v 0.11 
ʍужиᴋ.. ʙыйди нᴀ уᴧицу, ᴨоᴛᴩоᴦᴀй ᴛᴩᴀʙу, ᴛᴀʍ ᴇᴄᴛь ᴩᴇᴀᴧьный ʍиᴩ, ᴩᴇᴀᴧьныᴇ дᴇʙуɯᴋи, ᴨониʍᴀᴇɯь? зᴀʙязыʙᴀй ᴄ ϶ᴛиʍ, ʍнᴇ ᴄᴛᴩᴀɯно дᴀжᴇ бᴧизᴋо нᴀ ᴛᴇбя ᴨоᴄʍоᴛᴩᴇᴛь...:Pentagram:
rknashy on twitch 15. zář. v 16.46 
awsome artist.
ВЕТЕРОК💎 15. zář. v 10.24 
╭━━━╮   ╭━━━╮
╰┓╭━━╮ ╭━━╮┏╯
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   ┃┈╮ ╭┈┃
   ┃╰╯ ╰╯┃
    ╰╯ ╰╯
Lil Dojd' 15. zář. v 1.28 
I send invite in Discord for buy your work
Lil Dojd' 15. zář. v 0.14 
Hello, wtb one of your work, add me pls, thx.
SLX 11. zář. v 7.41 
:blugem:Amazing artworks, bro:blugem:
Majorzin 10. zář. v 19.24 
+rep good artworks
Fl!p 💀 9. zář. v 17.01 
+rep good artworks
76561199620656519 9. zář. v 8.32 
+rep good sportsmanship
ScrtMx 2. zář. v 13.53 
+rep great artworks
Ianixx 31. srp. v 15.49 
+rep <3
Bitcoin 31. srp. v 7.52 
nice art bro +rep
OnE☠HiT 31. srp. v 3.30 
nice to do business with them :heartp:
Robi 29. srp. v 11.21 
+rep Great Artwork
♡♡♡Alinka♡♡♡ 29. srp. v 9.53 

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚠𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚞𝚕 day
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤAdded you for future games
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ +Repppppp from RUSSIA

Exti 27. srp. v 0.14 
Love the work 💖