I've been digging for diamonds at the bottom of the sea
Twisted 3 gen 2019, ore 22:58 
( ・v・)♡
chloe 22 giu 2018, ore 23:33 
Papi 14 apr 2018, ore 9:39 
frank 7 set 2017, ore 14:50 
chloe 6 ago 2017, ore 18:24 
my input? episode 20 of boku no hero academia was so painfully boring. there were only two battles and there was no action at all. deku vs shouso was nice but it just contained flashbacks and slow motion captures of deku walking out of bounds, and todoroki vs seso was a ♥♥♥♥ matchup. ice vs tape, ffs. of course todoroki would win. those two battles only wouldve lasted 2 minutes at MOST because deku and todoroki are the two most op characters in boku no hero academia, not including kacchan. wtf. even episode 21 would be better than this episode even though it would just be fillers. i mean, kirishima vs tetsutetsu would be the only hyped up ♥♥♥♥ bc they have legit the same quirks. and thats my input
chloe 6 ago 2017, ore 18:23 
< ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) >