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1 person found this review helpful
95.1 hrs on record (78.5 hrs at review time)
*The current review is compared to previous title on release without G / Master Rank DLC*

Pros :
- Easiest Monster Hunter I ever played across the series, even without wirebug.
- More story plot driven, even though it's still pretty weak and nobody really cares.
- Some weapons and focus mode allowed you to freely change attack direction, no more clunky-ness.
- Beautiful world to look at, only if you have very beefy PC to support High Resolution Texture Pack, or else everything looks muddy.

Cons :
- Optimization, ain't no way it looks 3x uglier than games like Horizon Forbidden West but performance run 3x worse, DLSS 4 and AMD FSR 3.1 enabler mod for Frame Generation is your only saving grace now.
- Monster roster on release is lesser than base World.
- Easiest Monster Hunter I ever played across the series, even without wirebug.
- Wounds allows you to deal big damage, topple or stagger the monster repeatedly, even more broken than tenderizing in MH World.
- Decorations now categorized separately by weapon and armor, making an ideal set now is a pain in the ass.
- No Room feature, no base, no gathering hub at the moment, living a nomad life, ugliest and poorest "towns/villages" across all MH games.
- Weathers in every map of the game serves only one purpose, you hinder your vision, to make it as blur as possible, nothing else good about it.
- Uber mount, most people don't really care about learning the map, just press one button and let your mount automatically takes you everywhere.

Weapon aspect that got nerfed :
- Recoil down and reload speed removed, shotgun lover is now absolutely painful to play.
- Charge Blade force you to do an unnecessary combo before able to unleash SAED.

Edit : There's quite a few mods out there that can make the game runs wayyyyyy better and looks better, if Capcom decide to put anti-mod program into this game to screw me up with their incompetent work, I'll immediately change this review to Not Recommended.
Posted 10 March. Last edited 14 March.
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50.4 hrs on record (18.1 hrs at review time)
Mostly negative huh? Well I guess I wouldn't know what's bad about this game as long as I don't look at the reviews because so far, I'm still enjoying it, for now.

Can't hurt to give it a try!

Kodaka's version of :
- Octopath Traveler with more voice acting
- Aether Gazer fighting alongside allies instead of alone switching one character at a time
- sorta Zenless Zone Zero combat but bit clunky
- Zhat's A Baseball
Posted 20 February. Last edited 25 February.
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38.9 hrs on record (37.9 hrs at review time)
★ 12/10, seriously good game, the cutscenes absolute cinema, great story, beautiful world and graphics.
It's not souls-like but the game does gets pretty hard, bosses are quite aggressive and there's sooo many bosses in the game, every corner you go, you bump into a boss.

The game takes place after Journey to the West and didn't completely tells you about everything about it, so you might draw some blank in some part of this game's story if you didn't know the story of Journey of the West.
Posted 28 August, 2024.
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64.0 hrs on record (43.5 hrs at review time)
Having mandatory linking to Epic Game Store account is crap, but that aside, the game is just as good as any previous ones or I'd say it's even better, Air Raider changes so much with having drones and stuffs gives new experience but sadly, Ranger can now summon vehicles and it's wayyy more fun to play than Air Raider imo.
Posted 7 August, 2024.
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7.2 hrs on record
Pretty good short game, animation is much slower pace compare to other metroidvania game, it's like PS1 Castlevania but easier.

Not sure is it that I missed something but my game's ending feels like a cliffhanger, that's kinda sad...
Posted 20 July, 2024.
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11.9 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
EDF without cocaine inducing.
Posted 16 July, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
Final boss is like fighting Maxor's video editing.
Posted 13 July, 2024.
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4.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Pretty chill game on Himalaya mountains ( no pun intended ), very small game size as well.

Unique parts :
- Very unique city building game design where your buildings are all on a slope.
- Very easy to learn and understands on how to play the game.
- You can build bridges or elevators to build across different parts of the 3D mountain.

Bad parts :
- Even in free mode, you're required to select only a type of mountain, which every mountains choice wields different resources, you can still build the buildings for the resources that are not included in your mountain of choice but it'll serves no purpose at all.
- Besides from the people from resources buildings sending stuffs to trade post or market, 80% of the road you built will not have people walking on it.
- You can't rotate your buildings.

It's an Early Access review so don't take it too seriously, with that price, I'd still say it's good to try it out since they already have a roadmap on going so I hope to see the game become more interesting in the future!
Posted 6 May, 2024.
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6.7 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Mega Girl Z
Posted 27 April, 2024.
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118.7 hrs on record (16.7 hrs at review time)
Hawaii is so beautiful, a fresh scenery to see after all the previous entry took place in japan. They added more fun stuffs and transportation. There's new jobs with funky skills, even more characters to play with. There's even mp3 player to play songs while you're exploring.

New Battle Stuff :
- You don't get attacked by enemy just because you run past them when targeting someone far.
- Your attacks can ragdoll your target into knocking other enemies behind them.
- You can move around in a small circle to decide the direction you're sending you enemy flying, or approaching furniture to use it as your attack.
- Kiryu is very broken, which it should be, the most fun to use.

Nitpicks :
- Haven't got far yet but characters from substories are either Americans can speak and understand Japanese, or Ichiban magically can speak or understand English.
- If you use Japanese language and you could understand Japanese, you'll find the subtitle mostly are wrong compare to what they're speaking in Japanese, but the point they're making is still similar so it's fine for me...

I heard that content in this one is the biggest among all previous titles, I think...
But New Game+ locked behind paywall, it's sad to see something like that even though I never play NG+ in pretty much any game... ( 9/10 )
Posted 1 February, 2024.
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