Ivan Markus   Indonesia
Casual Player
Ivan Markus
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Hi, my name is Ivan

Just a casual player who likes playing games a lot.

Nice to meet you!
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Колекціонер ігор
Улюблена гра
3 580
Годин проведено
500 оч. досвіду
Вітрина майстерні
Оцінок: 35 785
Стан: Прийняті до гри, Автор(и): prosetisen
Улюблений посібник
Автор(и): Mictlantecuitli та Fawzi
Оцінок: 5 739
A fairly comprehensive (and simple) guide to where to get the most resources in the shortest amount of time using the least amount of effort.
Вітрина досягнень
Статистика Salien
Досягнуто рівень
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Здобуто досвіду
23 890
Вітрина рецензій
86 год. проведено
I played AC since AC 1 until Syndicate and I pretty like AC game, but I must admit, still kinda disappointed with ACIII and Unity with all the things in there. But ACO is quite good. The team really try to make the best of it, since they prepared it almost like 2 years maybe?

There are some things I like about ACO
1. Graphic/Architecture Design
They really design the world of ACO really good and I really enjoy myself climbing to the top of the highest point in the area just to look at the view. Really amazing

2. Senu
I think I like her the most. She is the origin of Eagle Vision. Just love how to use "Follow Road" and use Senu to explore the Egypt with her <3

3. Combat System
It is maybe even harder than other AC games, where you can be the "God" of streetfight and fight a 100 men, but in ACO, you will face great troubles when fighting too much at a time. Even Hyena can be a bunch of troubles if you are not careful. But I really enjoy the combat system and it feels a little realistic, but not too realistic (you can still live even you got stabbed by a spear?? Really?)

4. Resources
If you played other AC games, resources (like money, crafting ingridients, etc) will be too easy to get and there's no point of searching for it. You won't get the feelings when doing that. But in ACO, you will get the feelings like you are in a scavenger hunt. It is really nice to hunt for the crafting ingridients and doing some stuff to get some money for your upgrade.

5. Photos
Well, with all the great scenery of Egypt, now you can save your favorite one for you with this mode

6. Optimization
When I first pre-order ACO, the biggest fear of mine is about optimization because the last experience with Unity and some other games is so bad. And also, I watched a lot of gameplay of ACO before it released and seen the great scenery of Egypt and thought of myself "My PC couldn't handle this game if it isn't optimized" But when I played ACO, the game is well-optimized and I can still use a very high settings on my medium-level PC. The team really put a great effort and thoughts to optimize this game.

There are some things I don't like about ACO too
1. Story
Well, because ACO is about the Origin of Assassin, I kinda expected more of course. Because when playing AC2, BF, Rogue, I really stirred into the game with the story. But ACO story is not a total bust. I just expected to be more stirring than the others.

2. Music
Well, if you compared other AC with ACO, you will get the idea. The music isn't really great like the others

Overall, the game is great and I really love it. The creator team really put a great effort in making this game not a total bust. Really want to see another AC series that is not ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up like this again
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