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23.6 hrs on record (13.4 hrs at review time)
If you love MTB you'll love this game. Great fun and some really challenging parts to it.
Only downside is that the game's controller input really sucks. So I am forced to play with keyboard.
If they fix the way controllers work and it actually works it gets a solid 8/10 from me.
Posted 12 March, 2020.
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71.1 hrs on record (57.0 hrs at review time)
I see this as an attempt to combine D3 and PoE. And for me personally they succeeded. It combines some nice features from those 2 ancients and add some nifty new features. Best from both worlds more or less.
The game has some small bugs left, but I haven't had any real problems. But if this is something that winds you up.. either be patient or don't play.
Overall I think it's fun, I'm having a good time with the game, and that's what you want at the end.
Posted 1 March, 2020.
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244.4 hrs on record (10.8 hrs at review time)
Only about 10h in it. But it's a really enjoyable game. different modes to play. And it's just fun to play. A bit of a mix between hearthstone like games and League of Legends like games with a twist. But without the hassle those games bring with them. Fast paced and enjoyable. Only downside for me right now is the community in chat and even on discord. So much whiney little bratts either complaining or measuring eachothers e-peens over who is the better.. blabla.
But the game itself is good stuff. Surprised I didn't find it sooner.
Posted 16 August, 2019.
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31.7 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The game is good.. it has tons of potential... but same ♥♥♥♥ different game.. FULL of hackers.
Posted 18 June, 2018.
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470.6 hrs on record (65.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So I was looking for something to play on the side next to my 2 "main games" I play. I almost didn't buy this.. But I did.. The only way to describe this is: "What were my 2 main games again?"
I haven't played another game since. For some reason I absolutely love this game, the idea behind it, how addictive it is and it stays refreshing.
I can only speak for myself, but I don't often review, and I just had to make one for this game. It's a blast, and only in early access.
I can't wait for the coming updates and what the ddev team is going to bring next.
Absolutely great game, no need to worry about the "early access" stamp.. I think it's one of the best, if not THE best, early access game I have ever played.
Posted 5 May, 2018.
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24.1 hrs on record (23.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I wanted to put in my 2 cents;

Great game, fresh, new, action packed, fun, .. it's just a whole lot of fun. +++

Overall it's great, haven't had that much salt so far.. but as a competitive game, sadly, it has the same "kids disease" as for example CSGO, rocket league, ect. As soon as you see a player with one of those CSGO website adds in his name, you have a 99% certainty that he is going to be salty.

Gameplay & classes:
It's a nice mix, once you get into the game you clearly notice that for some maps some classes are better, or more neede, then others. For me the balance is fine. Great mix of abilities, diversity in the classes, simply yet effictive and some harder to master then you would imagine.

I don't agree with the devs on their report from 15/02. The matchmaking DOES need work, and ALOT of it. Games take longer then 30 seconds to find, 90% of the time it takes quite the wait. about 50% of the times there are 1 or more AI bots in your team. Most of the time the game feels like it only has 10 players playing because of this. I can't count on 2 hands how many times I have been in a game with 2 bots against 3 actual players or visa versa. Also games on end with and against the same players. Atm I am lvl 12 and I have been grouped up with two lvl1 guys against 3 guys lvl15+ before, so their explanation about players skill being the main factor makes my eyebraws go up.... how can 2 lvl1 guys even compete against 3 lvl 15+ guys, cheer experience here rapes them. Not to mention the quality of the game that follows and frustrations ofcourse...

Really awesome game, but the matchmaking needs ALOT of work. Faster games needed! better matchmaking needed!!
Especially the time it takes to find matches and how often they crash, or matches me or opposing team with AI, ruins it for me.
Posted 18 February, 2018.
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260.2 hrs on record (234.1 hrs at review time)
great game. however;
- The amount of cheaters is rediculous
- For such a popular game that has been around quite some time now, the amount of STUPID bugs is incredible. Some bugs that were here in the beta are still around.
- The ingame sound is just HORRIBAD in terms of hearing surrounding footsteps for example. The sound effects of bombs and stuff.. just amateurhour.
Posted 12 January, 2018. Last edited 20 January, 2018.
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4.3 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
eventho I enjoy the game, thought the singleplayer was very fun. The multiplayer is a good, decent CoD game.
I have many doubts as to how the game was launched...
Get random crashes. Can't connect to the online part. Entering HQ is an instant crash when trying to go out, ...

These are Dev 101 issue's imo.. with such a trackrecord I think it's a disgrace launchung a game where this happens.

Then the only comments you get is the usual (ignorant) restart your router blablabla... because their freakin status light is always green..

You pay for a Porsche but you get a freakin Honda.
Posted 5 November, 2017.
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3.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
great nostalgia, great potential.. but yet another FPS that can't handle the cheaters...
Posted 28 August, 2017.
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2,383.3 hrs on record (517.7 hrs at review time)
Kinda silly to give a review to such a popular game.. but here's my 2 cents.

+Awesome game with a steep learning curve. Skill actually matters.
+great cars and customizability
+stays fun
+mute button

-extremely salty kids in this game. high CSGO mentality.
-matchmaking has many hickups
Posted 21 February, 2017.
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