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24.1 hrs on record (20.4 hrs at review time)
I know nothing about poker and at this point, I don't want to.
Posted 4 December, 2024.
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7.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Pretty fun roguelike deckbuilder with the twist of element interaction and falling sand mechanics. Its pretty fun figuring out which card can affect an enemy's defence, or how you can use cards in quick succession for maximum devastation.

I do wish there was a little more variety in cards/elements though - level 2/3 cards duplicate some of the effects of standalone cards, and by World 3, I was finding that any 'new' card was one I already owned. I also struggled to figure out how to best use some of the cards (like the glass circle/wall ones), but these could be expanded it the tutorial.
Posted 10 November, 2024.
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2.3 hrs on record
I don't usually go for platformers, but I love strategy and simulation games, especially ones that include some kind of procedural content or random generation. Enter Mosa Lina - which I initially confused for some little physics toy - a game that gives true random content by selecting a series of levels, giving you a small subset of tools to solve them with upon spawning in and running them into physics hell.

Upon opening the game, you're introduced to the controls and a small test bed to test the different schemes (if playing on keyboard), and that's it. The beauty of Mola Sina is that it's about experimenting with the tools you're given to complete the objective rather than completing a "perfect run". That can be frustrating, especially when you don't understand the tools you've got (MosaLina.wiki is a great resource for a quick rundown); or when you get so close to completing a level before it all falls to pieces (or is literally impossible to finish), but conversely, nothing feels better than the stars aligning and you finally beating it.

Losa Mina won't be for everyone, but it's a unique and fantastically executed game when it works.
Posted 30 July, 2024.
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0.6 hrs on record
Warioware but you work for a TV station.

Now back to yeeting oranges with bananas.
Posted 7 July, 2024.
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52.8 hrs on record (33.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
You can cut buildings like salami, 10/10. Great for when you need to offload all that stress.
Posted 11 March, 2021. Last edited 28 November, 2022.
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4.2 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
Don't get me wrong, this game sounds fantastic on paper, but it just doesn't do well at explaining what you're actually meant to do.

As a prologue, you're given a probationary period as a kind of edge into the game - the names will change for the characters, but the scenario is the same no matter how many times you start it - you have one suspect who is going to commit a terrorist attack in a train station. Your job as Director General is to use the powers of the government departments to stop them.

But... aside from telling you to read reports and check suspects, the game will give you no more hints about what you should be doing or thinking about. I get that that is some people's cup of tea, but for new players who haven't played the previous game or want an easier time, a walkthrough or guided tutorial would be helpful here.

Later reports don't get any better either - you get a report and some suspects, you can send in surveillance and pursuit teams, search their houses and offices and even bring the suspects in; but the game provides no feedback on if what you're doing is right or what your aim is. My first few days in the main game went as so:
- New report involving a celebrity, MP and a controversial bridge
- Dispatch pursuit and surveillance teams and search the houses.
- Reports come back - celebrity goes out and comes back, as does the MP. Nothing is found in the homes.
- The architect shows up, repeat the process again. He visits his pub and there's mural on the wall.
- A journalist arrives in your suspect pile for triggering a code word. You watch him and search his house and office. Nothing is found.
- A columnist also appears - you do the same tried and test method, because it worked so well the first four times.
- The game complains you're not making any progress and you should use all available departments, despite not giving you any leads to work with.
- You're not sure who any of these people are, what the problem you're supposed to be dealing with is or where to go next. You can't go back and look at yesterday's reports, because they're not kept anywhere. You can flick through the suspect notes, but its a mishmash of random people, location blueprints and item notes (with no filtering or sorting either).
- On a whim (and at the advice of the game in order to use more departments), you abduct the journalist and take him for questioning.
- You board a Tube train and the contact tells you you're being too careless and drawing too much attention, because you used all the government departments.
- You realise you confused the journalist and columnist, so you sign an order to abduct the columnist too. Since there's no direction given to you, it might turn out okay.
- A new woman enters the suspect pile, she says there's no horsemeat in any food products (good to know, but I thought we were working on bridges or something).
- A couple of days later, the Department of Oversight calls for the removal of all bridge-related materials, including suspects. You're left with a confused detained journalist and a woman selling horsemeat.

Is that it? Did I win? Was it a good outcome? These questions aren't answered, so it almost seems like it's filler - do it for the sake of doing it, rather than because it has an outcome. It's both relieving - because I had no idea what was going on in the first place (and now its over) - and frustrating. Was there meant to be an outcome that I didn't get? Who knows.
And that's where we're up to so far. I understand this is supposed to be a hard game where choices matter, but with no explanation as to what's going on or specific feedback on your actions, in its current state it feels pointless even playing it.

All in all, I want to love this game. The description on Steam and Humble makes it sound so good. But it needs some improvements for it to be enjoyable for the most part, and until it gets those, you're probably going to be confused and disappointed buying it right now.

Posted 3 November, 2020.
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1.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I'll keep this short: I can't remember the last time I had so much fun with a VR game
Posted 2 July, 2020.
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15.0 hrs on record (9.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Air Brawl is a game I've followed for a long time. Not religiously, but its something that I've seen on Reddit every now and again, and its been great seeing Wilnyl update everyone with the game's latest progress. It looked like a small, fun game. But god is it so much more than that.

Air Brawl is without a doubt the best flying game I've played. The control system is exactly what I expected - sensitive at first, but so tight and precise that you can execute fantastic dips, dives and loops through the game's four maps and their tunnels and obsticles. I especially like the fact you can choose to use mouse yaw - it makes the plane's so much easier to fly.

The game itself is addicting. You can play 5(?) game modes on various servers, including free for all, team deathmatch, capture the flag and two other flag games. With plenty of people, the matches are fun - my only complaint is that sometimes you can be spawn killed when people spawn near you, which is especially annoying in modes like free for all. There's also five different planes, each with their own special abilities and weapons, so there's plenty of exploring and replaying to be done.

Tl;dr: Seriously great game. You will not be disappointed with buying it. You will not be able to stop playing it!
Posted 2 June, 2015.
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19.5 hrs on record (8.4 hrs at review time)
The first thing I took from this game is that even when you think a choice is right, it may turn out to have dire consequences.

In this fantastic game, you play as Max who has just moved back to her hometown and has reunited with her old friend, Chloe. She goes to a prestigious academy and discovers she has the power to rewind time by a few minutes, ultimately leading her to believe she can change everything.

This mechanic of the game is used well - it means you can see all the choices available before actually making your choice, often unlocking new paths from what characters have said to you. Every single choice you make as Max matters and affects the present and future of the game, or how characters feel about you or react. But then there's times where the game does not let you rewind. Is that a bad thing? No, it's not. It means that you made the choice you thought was right, and now you have to live with the consequences in the game and future episodes. There's no going back to change it - you must move on.

On top of that, both the soundtrack and visuals of the game are absolutely stunning. My only gripe is the facial animations and lip syncing, but they don't impact the way the drama is delivered at all.

Posted 25 March, 2015.
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6.1 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
I've always wanted to be a goat, and now I can be! All we need now is a wrecking ball and it'll be the perfect Miley Cyrus simulator! 10/10
Posted 25 June, 2014.
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