Spam Lord Dooomba
Hunter   United States
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Spam Lord Dooomba 13 берез. о 11:06 
it is called tactics. lol
DragonKnight 11 берез. о 23:13 
Bunch of cowards hide and wait for everyone esle to fight then run in
SpaceDude85 20 берез. 2024 о 22:41 
damn you had a prestige 100, with a 2.23 KDA and still lost to a guy running a Springfield. GGs. Kisses. Bye.
flipslipmedic 5 жовт. 2023 о 20:23 
good game boys
Nemmers 25 лют. 2023 о 0:14 
Excellent barrel kill!
Baffled-Unga-Bunga 19 січ. 2023 о 23:17 
because i'm salty and their profiles are private,, both of the other teams in the match were on us, and working together not shooting each other as if some unspoken pact was between them to roll the lobby, i hope y'all got out safe and didn't feed those ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥' egos. May hunt be kinder to you than it was to us