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6.1 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
Honestly.....its poggers guys
Posted 4 November, 2023.
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163.9 hrs on record (25.1 hrs at review time)
cool game, ok exectuion. feels like still in alpha. DO NOT BUY UNTIL DEVS FIX THE BUGS. bug are 70% of this game
Posted 26 July, 2017.
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109.9 hrs on record (63.4 hrs at review time)

Backstory: I've been a fan of this game since 2015, when it was first announced. I loved it, the game I've wanted for years. I bought the gold edition out of love

Pros: Immersive combat, awesome animations and execution, competitive faction war, fairly nice community, constant new content, lots of choices and customizations.

Cons: Tons of bugs, game feels unpolished and still in beta, new players get screwed over in everyway, honorable 1v1s are extremly rare, no place to learn and actually get good.

Let me elaborate with how new players or low ranks get screwed over: I used to play this game a lot. I got one of my heros to rep 3 (Rank 60.) But because of that ubisoft places me with people who are also rep 3 or higher. Sounds balenced? No.
Each hero takes time to master and become good at. You need time and experience to learn each hero. So if just one of your heros is a high level, no matter who you play, you'll be placed with people of your highest rank. So if you are just playing {YOUR HERO} for the first time, you'll be ranked with people much higher than you.
This forces commitment. To actaully have a chance in games you can't play anyone but your main or you'll just end up dying. The only way around this is to play each hero equally, not favoring one too much. So instead of playing games where I'm offered many heros, i'm forced to just choose one so I can play the game.
Each game feels old and already played only beacuse i'm urged to not play anyone else, and stick to one experience. This completely ruins the game for me and many others.
Also, with high levels comes high gear! So when I'm level one, I can literally get one-shot by people of a higher level while it may take me 4-6 hits to kill them. Not fun.
So, if you're a new comer or someone who hasn't played in a while: If you want to be good at this game, time travel backwards and play this game constantly from when it was released or only play one hero and get really good with it by letting other demolish you.

The creators of this game seem more intrested fixing what they think the community wants, rather what we have been asking for. Instead of giving us cosmetics they should focus on actually fixing the probelms and bugs of the game. To fix one of the BIGGEST and MOST SIMPLE problem, make low rank players play with other low rank players. But that is too much work for Ubisoft and they would rather give us new helmets that we have to pay for.

All in all: If you're a high level, have lots of good experience and items, and for some reason reading a review this game is a 10/10
- Enjoying killing new players who ahve no chance

If you want this game but you're new: 0/10 (Wow! Lowest game score I have ever gave!)

Chances are if you do, you'll end up right back here making the same review

Would I recommend: Absolutely no, no doubt about it
Rating: 0/10 stars
Summary (Tl;Dr): If you're new or a bit rusty, you'll get demolished by ubisoft, who doesn't care about you, as they place you in games with people 20x and higher levels than you.

Thanks for reading!
Posted 27 April, 2017.
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14.0 hrs on record (12.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Its a free game like arma but a smaller map, a game objective, and you dont have as much features but still free. I will recommend this to fans of guns, games, history, and being so f*****g bada**! 10/10 stars d:-D
Posted 16 November, 2014.
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522.0 hrs on record (297.3 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
If have no hands or eyes this is NOT recommended, trust me.
Posted 12 November, 2014.
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