Sathies 17 ต.ค. 2022 @ 1: 38pm 
3 8 13 18 3 8 13 18 3 8 13 18 3 8 13 18 3 8 13 18 3 8 13 18 3 8 13 18 3 8 13 18
Loser Bois 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 24pm 
I don't think I can do this any longer. I hope you wake up from your coma, but I've found a new man... goodbye.

Edward 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 23pm 
Dovah 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 22pm 
+rep told me about wendussy for 20 minutes straight, and about the deer that walks on two feet
Dragon 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 22pm 
Edward 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 21pm 
If u suck your own d ick while you turn 18, it is considered illegal due to gravitational time dilation.
Ok so hear me out. Due to gravitation time dilation, your upper body is technically older then your lower body, that is ofcourse ... due to Gravitational Time Dilation. Gravitational Time Dilation is the effect gravity has on time. The lower the gravitational potential, the faster time is. Knowing this, because your d ick has more gravitational potential then your head, your head is older then your d ick (by like less then a millionth of a nanosecond but that doesn’t matter). So if you were sucking your own d ick while you turned 18, your head would age first. This means your 18 year old head would be sucking you 17 year old d ick. and you're a pedophile. that's all i wanted to say ! Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.
Dragon 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 21pm 
Loser Bois 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 20pm 
This isn't joke, these aren't spam posts. Don't you recognize us? Your name is Jeremy, and you've been in a coma for three years. It's me, your wife, reaching out to you in the newest method these scientists have come up with to try and wake you from your eternal slumber. Please wake up, I love you, and I miss you dearly.
Dovah 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 19pm 
Dragon 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 18pm 
Dovah 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 18pm 
-rep Didnt wake me up when the pentagon was hit
Dragon 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 18pm 
Loser Bois 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 17pm 
Edward 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 17pm 
I'm not a boomer. I am not a boomer. Do not f ucking call me a boomer ever again. I am quite honestly one of the least boomer people you have ever met. I make jokes about depression, mad f ucking f ucked depression. I am not boomer. I am not a boomer. Stop saying I am a boomer. If you were a boomer, I would have probably already punched the s hit out of you by now, but fortunately you are a zoomer whose body remained un-touched by my fat, meaty, fists because I AM NOT A BOOMER. If I was a boomer though, you would find my Jackhammer pounding your face with my fists. Luckily for you, I am NOT A BOOMER, and you will have your virgin face remain unpounded ad infinitum. Actually, it seems to me like you are the boomer here. You are a boomer, not me. I am not a boomer, and I will never be. If I was ever a boomer in a past life (which I WASN'T), I would be killing myself right now, that is how boomer I AM NOT.
Edward 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 16pm 
Second grade survival guide:

• second grade gets HARD. Stay on top of all your homework.

• in sexond grade you learn the hard $hit. Multiplication is no joke. may b get a tutor

• grammer and speling will kill you so practiece a lot

• dronk water

• study 40 hours a day

• dating gets real. this is the grade to get a serious boy/girlfriend. this isn’t 1st grade anymore. cooties aren’t a thing anymore.

• if u get a bad grade punch ur teacher in their crotch!

• 99.99% of people lose their virginity in 2nd grade. don’t get left behind

• girls: no more shopping at justice or baby gap anymore. shop at the real stores now. Like Victoria secret and brandy Melville

• guys: wear heelies to get all the hoes

• you should defiantly know where you wanna go to college at this point

• take all ap classes

• $hit your pants on the first day of school to assert your dominance
Edward 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 16pm 
Waluigi is the ultimate example of the individual shaped by the signifier. Waluigi is a man seen only in mirror images; lost in a hall of mirrors he is a reflection of a reflection of a reflection. You start with Mario – the wholesome all Italian plumbing superman, you reflect him to create Luigi – the same thing but slightly less. You invert Mario to create Wario – Mario turned septic and libertarian – then you reflect the inversion in the reflection: you create a being who can only exist in reference to others. Waluigi is the true nowhere man, without the other characters he reflects, inverts and parodies he has no reason to exist. Waluigi’s identity only comes from what and who he isn’t – without a wider frame of reference he is nothing. He is not his own man. In a world where our identities are shaped by our warped relationships to brands and commerce we are all Waluigi.
Edward 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 16pm 
Trains are really unpredictable. Even in the middle of a forest two rails can appear out of nowhere, and a 1.5-mile fully loaded coal drag, heading east out of the low-sulfur mines of the PRB, will be right on your a ss the next moment.

I was doing laundry in my basement, and I tripped over a metal bar that wasn't there the moment before. I looked down: "Rail? WTF?" and then I saw concrete sleepers underneath and heard the rumbling.

Deafening railroad horn. I dumped my wife's pants, unfolded, and dove behind the water heater. It was a double-stacked Z train, headed east towards the fast single track of the BNSF Emporia Sub (Flint Hills). Majestic as hell: 75 mph, 6 units, distributed power: 4 ES44DC's pulling, and 2 Dash-9's pushing, all in run 8. Whole house smelled like diesel for a couple of hours!

Fact is, there is no way to discern which path a train will take, so you really have to be watchful. If only there were some way of knowing the routes trains travel.
Edward 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 16pm 
I used to roll half a bottle of laxative pills into a Crunch wrap supreme and then leave cow pies on peoples door mats. People in my town installed porch cameras to catch the "Phantom S hitter" they said it couldn't possibly be one man, the hits were too frequent and too large. It had to be a whole gang of city punks coordinating and making planned precision strikes. I felt like a god among lesser beings in my town. Every time i was at the local diner and i overheard someone screaming about the black slop they found on their porch i felt powerful and unstoppable. I became too arrogant, started striking during the day. That's when they caught me and strung me up in the streets and hit me with rocks. I barely escaped with my life and i had to leave town. Now after all these years, I'm in a new town and I behave well enough. But I've got this nagging feeling, the urge is back, and I'm starting to think that my new town is about to experience a storm
Edward 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 16pm 
Sorry, my English is terrible
Pardon for my inexcusably poor understanding of the Anglo-Frisian-Germanic language, and thus regional dialects, known by native speakers as "English". Indeed I do give my upmost effort to educate myself and better my understanding and thus comprehension of such an unusual yet widely used modern foreign language, but alas my efforts have so far encountered nothing but limited success. The combinations of both Latin and Germanic lexis have so far proved to be a serious tribulation for my progress.

However, I do not share such linguistic capabilities and expansive lexicon in my understanding of "English", so therefore I must once again profusely apologise for my such poor use of the vocabulary, Grammar and other such linguistic factors that one must consider in this context.
The Juggernaut 28 มี.ค. 2022 @ 10: 03pm 
This comment is awaiting analysis by our automated content check system. It will be temporarily hidden until we verify that it does not contain harmful content (e.g. links to websites that attempt to steal information).
Captain Anarchy 29 มิ.ย. 2017 @ 12: 57pm 
Are you Mr. Lebowski?
Theta 19 เม.ย. 2017 @ 9: 36pm 
───▄▄██▌█♩♩♩You've been hit by; you've been struck by♩♩♩█
▄▄▄▌▐██▌███████████a smooth criminal...in a truck.♩█
Theta 19 เม.ย. 2017 @ 9: 35pm 
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Theta 19 เม.ย. 2017 @ 9: 34pm 
dru 16 เม.ย. 2017 @ 4: 58pm 
Creed 1 มี.ค. 2017 @ 3: 05pm 
Papa Creed numba 2
louie 12 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 10: 31am 
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