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0.4 hrs on record

You litterally will get an achievement for every single second you play this game! xD
Posted 1 March, 2018.
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0.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game needs fixing...

You cannot make a new quake and completely change the way movement works, I will
recommend everyone to download Warsaw instead, at least it honors traditional quake.

What am i talking about?
Hold space to autojump (fair enough to add auto b-hop),
press A or D while in air or turn mouse and you still go in a straight line. WTF!?
Posted 29 October, 2017.
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27.1 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
So launching the game getting greeted by the Unity logo surprised me,
because i didn't remember the first game to be based on Unity at all,
so i went to check and sure enough the first game was not Unity based.
Also this game is apparently made by a different studio as well, which
did make me a little worried that this game would be a bad successor.

Let's address Unity Engine first and the whole mantra of "unity games suck".
Indeed a lot of Unity games are crap thrown together from asset packs,
this however, oh boy does it show what can actually be done in Unity.

The studio who made this, has made a gem of a Unity game.
The game feels responsive, graphics are pretty high quality
(trees could use some improvements, but overall very good).
Movement is not "bad" but different due to the switch of engine.

The voice acting, story and everything brings the well known "mood"
of the original game to life once again. The "back-talk" could have
a little bit longer timer for the choices, especially for people who
play the game in a language not native to them. But a nice addition
to the gameplay elements to replace the rewind function of the first
game. Also do not worry, it contains tons of small mini-games, details
scattered around the map and things to explore, just like the first game.
Yes I am looking at you elf barbarian and your wizard friend.

Overall a solid game, cannot wait to play the rest of the episodes.

One note tho that I have become aware of is the waste of resources
during development that has been spent on implementing Denuvo.
A thing every single developer should have learned by 2017 is that
software and games WILL be pirated, DRM will only slow it down a
tiny bit, and in best case do nothing. In worst case it'll block legit
customers from playing the game by slowing performance, crashing
or otherwise blocking them from playing their legit bought game.
Just remove it already, there's no point having it, it'll be pirated anyways.

- Great story
- Detailed choices and things to explore
- Shows off what Unity can actually do
- Stable with very few bugs at release

- Denuvo (why waste resources on additional DRM)
Posted 1 September, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
17.0 hrs on record (6.5 hrs at review time)
Just lovely to see a real game with most of the elements of Dungeon Keeper after the insult
that EA gave us with Dungeon Keeper Mobile, stupid micro payment piece of s**t game.

This combines the classic Dungeon Keeper elements with RTS elements when going to the
"overworld", you basically make creates then drop them onto the gate and you are allowed
to control them RTS style while on the overworld level. With loads and loads of nifty narator
comments, etc. gives it the real feel that "Dungeon Keeper" had.

Only one thing to say really, "It's GOOD, to be BAD!", and in this game you're controlling:
The Ultimate Evil, so i guess that's very BAD! :D
Posted 30 October, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
19.6 hrs on record
Having only played the original old Deus Ex for a short bit,
and remembering it like it was "just another fps game",
i opened up Deus Ex: Human Revolution with low expectations.

I was positively surprised to say the least. The story of the game
is very well written, mixing in a lot of twists here and there, a lot
of them clearly very inspired by real world conspiracy theories.

Unlike most other games, even ones with well written stories,
this game doesn't just offer you a linear path from point A to B,
telling you a story a long the way. This game features optional
side quests, rewards and more. You can choose a lot of different
ways to complete everything as well. You can choose to go full
Rambo mode and just rush in shooting everything, or you can go
sneaky, even complete most of the game without "killing", by using
close combat, gas grenades, stun and tranquilizer guns and more.
What you choose will also have impact on how the game will continue
offering several different endings and twists in the story a long the way.

If i have to say something negative about this game there is a few
things to mention. Using stealth to complete the game is hard, very very
hard sometimes, which if you don't mind killing, will make you want to
go for the easier way and just shoot your way through, be aware of your
ammo though, as you will quickly run out and need to check every single
corpse, room etc, to keep gathering ammo. Also choose yours "augs"
wisely as some offer a lot of advantages over others. There is one very
annoying thing about the game in my opinion, the controls could be
better in certain areas. Like the game NOT having a option to switch
between hold/toggle crouch, was annoying me like crazy in the beginning.

I will highly recommend this game to anyone who likes a single player
FPS game with a deep and well written story. Especially if you also are
the type of person that likes conspiracy theories or is a critic of science.
Posted 16 August, 2014.
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40.3 hrs on record
The best storyline in the Grand Theft Auto series thus far, also really well made and not as buggy as the prior "3D" GTA games we're.
Only complaint is that GTA series started on PC and still belong on PC, console "ports" of this PC game series is fine with me,
but for good sake don't betray your roots and release the PC version ALOT later then the console versions.
Posted 27 July, 2014.
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4.8 hrs on record
Got this game in a bundle and mainly tried it to get the trading cards from it.
But to my surprise this game is actually pretty good, it's a cartoonish/humorous
twist to the classic tower defense games.
Posted 27 July, 2014.
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10.3 hrs on record (10.3 hrs at review time)
Didn't have a lot of expectations to this game going into it.
But what a pleasant surprise. This game is actually really good.
It offers some innovative ideas to how to control your squad abilities,
and to my surprise these innovative ideas are actually really well done,
so well that i got hooked on this game and completed it in one 10 hour
sitting, and in this whole sitting didn't experience any major bugs,
which in modern games today is pretty rare in my experience.
Also this game has a very good story, voice acting, etc. is A+.
Posted 27 July, 2014.
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