
Последние обзоры Andi Goldberger

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35.6 ч. всего (4.9 ч. в момент написания)
I played this game right when it came out.
Now thought I'd play it again, but it's really unplayable... it crashes every 20min.
Опубликовано 22 декабря 2024 г..
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1/10 would never play again
Опубликовано 11 февраля 2018 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 4
1,664.7 ч. всего (1,001.5 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор CS:GO
Playing this game since 2012 when it came out. I can tell my opinion here, i have enough knowledge to write a review.

So the game is not like the others. It's very competitive, difficult to learn and you have to put much effort/time in it.
Since the skins came out 2013, everyones addicted to them so much. There are few youtuber that became rich through this "addiction". The skins are one chapter out of many in Cs:Go.

Another chapter is ofc the MatchMaking. It's a competitive match mode where you have to fight 5vs5 vs the other guys. If you manage to get 16 rounds, you win.

So in MatchMaking (short MM) there are few mistakes that even the developers can't fix.
It's full of hackers, people tend to go to 3rd party server provider where no hackers are.
It's full of russians (few of them are very nice) and they flame 24/7.
If you solo-q you have to expect to get anti mates, flamers, kids and other scum.
These "mistakes" are taking the fun of the game in any way, it's one of the most frustrating things in life for me now.

Then there are the developers, valve or "volvo".
Volvo doesn't give a ♥♥♥♥ about hackers, vovlo gives a ♥♥♥♥ about what they nerf, what they buff and what they don't nerf.
Recently they released a cool gamebraking weapon, the r8 revolver.
This weapon one-shoots in body which only one other weapon, the AWP can, just with the exception that it cost $850, but the awp costs $4750.

So what I think about this game is, that altough you will have fun with it for sure, shouldn't buy it.
Takes time, keeps you off learning for exams, frustrates you so hard and will prrobably destroy your mood and your day!

Опубликовано 10 декабря 2015 г.. Отредактировано 10 декабря 2015 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
189.1 ч. всего (19.9 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
Echt ein sehr gelungenes Spiel, auch wenn es noch in der Alpha ist es macht sehr viel Spass zum spielen.
Ich hoffe dass noch ein paar gute Updates kommen bis zum Release, und nicht alles so extrem rumbuggt.
Опубликовано 18 апреля 2014 г..
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